Wednesday - March 12, 2025
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Nebraska Newsletter for Sunday January 19, 2025 ( 2 items )  

Center for Rural Affairs: Updated Cottage Food Law Expands Opportunities for Nebraska's Food Entrepreneurs
LYONS, Nebraska, Jan. 14 -- The Center for Rural Affairs issued the following news release: A recent revision to Nebraska's cottage food law provides new guidance for individuals selling homemade food products. The updated law, which took effect in 2024, expands the types of foods that can be produced and sold under cottage food regulations to include some foods that require refrigeration. The cottage food law previously allowed individuals to produce and sell certain low-risk foods made in th  more

Thurgood Marshall College Fund president will serve as a featured guest at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 -- The Thurgood Marshall College Fund issued the following news release: * * * Thurgood Marshall College Fund president will serve as a featured guest at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) will have a presence on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus on Tuesday, Jan. 28 to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. TMCF President & CEO Dr. Harry L. Williams will lead three events on campus that day, concluding with a keynot  more