Sunday - February 9, 2025
*Public Policy Tipoffs Involving South Carolina Newsletter for Thursday January 16, 2025 ( 2 items )  

A World of Gratitude: Marina Ziehe '14
NEWBERRY, South Carolina, Jan. 15 -- Newberry College issued the following news: * * * A World of Gratitude: Marina Ziehe '14 NEWBERRY -- Newberry College is home to students from 37 states and 35 countries across six continents. This community has a global impact, despite, and even because of, its rurality. One story of Newberry's impression on the world stage is that of Newberry College graduate Marina Ziehe '14. The native Brazilian trained and studied for years to earn a tennis scholarshi  more

Winthrop and Partners Awarded $6 Million Grant to Improve Teacher Retention
ROCK HILL, South Carolina, Jan. 16 -- Winthrop University issued the following news: * * * HIGHLIGHTS * As the lead institution, Winthrop's College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences will partner with Clemson University, Columbia College, the University of South Carolina at Columbia, and South Carolina's Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA), which is housed at Winthrop. * Called SC RISE (South Carolina Residencies Impacting Schoolwide Equity), the five-yea  more