Sunday - February 9, 2025
*Colorado Editor Tipoffs Newsletter for Saturday December 28, 2024 ( 12 items )  

BLM Finalizes Solar Energy Plans for Public Lands Across 11 Western States
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (TNSFR) -- The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced the finalization of Resource Management Plan Amendments (RMP) for public lands across 11 western states. These amendments aim to streamline the permitting process for utility-scale solar energy development while protecting sensitive ecological and cultural resources. The BLM manages over 162 million acres of public lands in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and  more

Boulder County: $2.1 Million Awarded in Fall 2024 Cycle of Strategic Fuels Mitigation Grant Program
BOULDER, Colorado, Dec. 28 -- Boulder County issued the following news release on Dec. 27, 2024: * * * Grant funding awarded to wildfire mitigation projects across Boulder County * * * The Board of County Commissioners have approved the distribution of over $2.1 million in awards for the Fall 2024 cycle of the A total of eight grants were approved for funding this fall. Recipients include: * The Boulder Watershed Collective * $513,000 for the Porter Ranch Fuels Mitigation Project * Cal-W  more

Colo. Agriculture Dept.: Ten Projects Selected for First Equine Welfare Assistance Support
DENVER, Colorado, Dec. 28 -- The Colorado Department of Agriculture issued the following news release: The Colorado Department of Agriculture's Division of Animal Welfare has selected ten applicants to receive a total of $200,000 to help improve the well-being of Colorado's domestic horses. During the competitive grant process, a panel consisting of horse experts reviewed more than 30 applications requesting more than $1M in funding, and selected projects that would have the greatest impact on   more

Colo. Gov. Polis, Colorado Energy Office, Colorado DOT Announce $17.3 Million to Expand EV Fast Charging Network, Support Nation-Leading EV Adoption
DENVER, Colorado, Dec. 28 -- Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colorado, issued the following news release on Dec. 27, 2024: * * * These state and federally funded grants will add 168 fast-charging ports at 29 sites across the state, further enabling statewide travel in an electric vehicle * * * Governor Jared Polis, the Colorado Energy Office (CEO), and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) announced $17.3 million in grant awards through the Direct-Current Fast-Charging (DCFC) Plazas program.   more

Colo. Gov. Polis: 10 Projects Selected for First Equine Welfare Assistance Support
BROOMFIELD, Colorado, Dec. 28 -- Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colorado, issued the following news release on Dec. 27, 2024: The Colorado Department of Agriculture's Division of Animal Welfare has selected ten applicants to receive a total of $200,000 to help improve the well-being of Colorado's domestic horses. During the competitive grant process, a panel consisting of horse experts reviewed more than 30 applications requesting more than $1M in funding, and selected projects that would have the greates  more

Colo. PUC Issues Weekly Meeting Agenda for Dec. 30, 2024
DENVER, Colorado, Dec. 28 -- The Colorado Public Utilities Commission issued the following weekly meeting agenda: * * * Consent Items TRANSPORTATION 1. PROCEEDING NO. 24AL-0538TR IN THE MATTER OF ADVICE LETTER NO. 43, AND THE 3 RD REVISED PAGE 12, THE 3 RD REVISED Page 13, AND THE 3 RD REVISED PAGE 14 TO PASSENGER TARIFF, COLORADO PUC NO. 3, FILED BY RAMBLIN' EXPRESS, INC., TO REDUCE THE FREQUENCY OF DAILY SCHEDULED SERVICE, TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JANUARY 8, 2025. Filing Date and Party: 12/06  more

Congressional Research Service Issues In Focus White Paper on U.S. Space Force
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following In Focus white paper (No. IF12610) on Dec. 23, 2024, by defense policy analyst Hannah D. Dennis. Here are excerpts: * * * Defense Primer: The United States Space Force The U.S. Space Force is the sixth branch of the Armed Forces, established under the Department of the Air Force (DAF) with the enactment of the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act ([NDAA], P.L. 116-92). According to Title 10, Section   more

CSEA Members Stand United for Their Community
DENVER, Colorado, Dec. 21 -- The Colorado Education Association issued the following news: Last night, over 150 members of the Colorado Springs Education Association (CSEA) came together in an extraordinary show of solidarity following a decision that has uprooted the foundation of decades-long collaboration. Just last week, the D11 school board voted to sever their nearly 60-year-old master agreement with Colorado Springs teachers--a move that undermines the shared commitment between educator  more

EPA Approves Revisions to Colorado's Air Quality Regulations
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (TNSFR) -- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finalized the approval of revisions to Colorado's State Implementation Plan (SIP), specifically the Common Provisions Regulation. These revisions come in response to the EPA's 2015 findings, which identified deficiencies in the state's regulations concerning excess emissions during startup, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM) events. The changes were submitted by Colorado in June 2023, and the EPA has determined that the ne  more

EPA Grants Final Authorization for Utah's Hazardous Waste Program Revisions
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 (TNSFR) -- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted final authorization to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for revisions to the state's hazardous waste management program under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). This direct final rule, announced today, recognizes Utah's updated program as meeting the necessary requirements for hazardous waste management, and will allow the state to take over enforcement responsibilities for faci  more

Polis Administration and Union Pacific Reach Agreement on New 25-Year Moffat Tunnel Lease Renewal With 25-Year Passenger Rail Agreement, Setting Stage for Mountain Rail
DENVER, Colorado, Dec. 24 -- Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colorado, issued the following news release on Dec. 23, 2024: Governor Polis, his administration, and Union Pacific reached an agreement on a new 25-year lease of the Moffat and binding MOU in exchange for a 25-year access agreement, which sets the stage for increased access to UP's tracks for Mountain Rail passenger service. This lease and access agreement will be executed on May 1, 2025, replacing the previous 99-year lease on the tunnel. Today  more

Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee Issues Testimony From Postmaster General DeJoy (Part 3 of 3)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 -- The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released the following written testimony by Louis DeJoy, postmaster general and CEO of the U.S. Postal Service, from a Dec. 5, 2024, hearing entitled "Oversight of the United States Postal Service: Understanding Proposed Service Changes": * * * (Continued from Part 2 of 3) Growth and cost reduction are at the heart of the DFA plan. Simply put, the DFA plan is not about contraction or only cost reduction. Th  more