State Tipoffs Involving Massachusetts Newsletter for Tuesday December 24, 2024 ( 7 items ) |
GE Vernova to Provide HVDC System for South Korea's Largest Power Grid Infrastructure Project
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Dec. 24 -- G.E. Vernova, an energy company, issued the following news release:
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* GE Vernova to deliver advanced HVDC technology for the 500 kV Donghaean #2 to Dong-Seoul HVDC converter station project (EP2), part of South Korea's largest power grid initiative.
* Order secured through KAPES, the joint venture between GE Vernova and Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO).
* Advanced HVDC system, based on Line Commutated Converter (LCC) technology, aims for rel
MIT in the Media: 2024 in Review
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Dec. 24 (TNSwrap) (TNSres) -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following MIT in the Media: 2024 in Review:
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MIT community members made headlines with key research advances and their efforts to tackle pressing challenges.
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From a new Institute-wide effort aimed at addressing climate change to a collaborative that brings together MIT researchers and local hospitals to advance health and medicine, a Nobel prize win for two economists exami
MIT's Top Research Stories of 2024
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Dec. 24 (TNSres) -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following news:
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Stories on tamper-proof ID tags, sound-suppressing silk, and generative AI's understanding of the world were some of the most popular topics on MIT News.
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MIT's research community had another year full of scientific and technological advances in 2024. To celebrate the achievements of the past twelve months, MIT News highlights some of our most popular stories from thi
MIT: Bacteria in the Human Gut Rarely Update Their CRISPR Defense Systems
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Dec. 24 (TNSres) -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following news on Dec. 23, 2024:
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A new study of the microbiome finds intestinal bacterial interact much less often with viruses that trigger immunity updates than bacteria in the lab.
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By Anne Trafton, MIT News
Within the human digestive tract are trillions of bacteria from thousands of different species. These bacteria form communities that help digest food, fend off harmful microb
MIT: Celebrating the Opening of the New Graduate Junction Residence
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Dec. 24 (TNSeco) -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following news on Dec. 23, 2024:
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MIT grad students and their families joined project and construction staff to mark the collaborative effort to plan and create MIT's newest graduate residence.
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Over two choreographed move-in days in August, more than 600 residents unloaded their boxes and belongings into their new homes in Graduate Junction, located at 269 and 299 Vassar Street in Ca
MIT: Helping Students Bring About Decarbonization, From Benchtop to Global Energy Marketplace
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Dec. 24 (TNSres) -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following news on Dec. 23, 2024:
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Professor Jessika Trancik's course helps students understand energy levers for addressing climate change at the macro and micro scales.
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By Zach Winn, MIT News
MIT students are adept at producing research and innovations at the cutting edge of their fields. But addressing a problem as large as climate change requires understanding the world's energy
MIT: Why Open Secrets are a Big Problem
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, Dec. 24 (TNSres) -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following news:
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Philosopher Sam Berstler diagnoses the corrosive effects of not acknowledging troubling truths.
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By Peter Dizikes, MIT News
Imagine that the head of a company office is misbehaving, and a disillusioned employee reports the problem to their manager. Instead of the complaint getting traction, however, the manager sidesteps the issue and implies that raising it further
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