*Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Texas Newsletter for Sunday December 08, 2024 ( 72 items ) |
'Introduction to Computer Science' is latest free digital learning textbook from OpenStax
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 2 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
OpenStax, the world's largest publisher of open educational resources and a provider of interactive learning technologies based at Rice University, announces the publication of "Introduction to Computer Science." As a free digital learning textbook, this resource provides extensive coverage of core concepts such as algorithms, data structures, computer systems and software development with real-world applications highl
A New Model Can Provide Better, More Timely Assessment Data
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 [Category: Education] -- Education Trust issued the following news release:
EdTrust in Texas advocates for an equitable education for Black and Latino students and students from low-income backgrounds across the state. We believe in centering the voices of Texas students and families as we work alongside them for the better future they deserve.
Our mission is to close the gaps in opportunity and achievement that disproportionately impact students who are the most underserved
ABS Releases Industry-Leading Update to Offshore Rules
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 3 -- The American Bureau of Shipping issued the following news release:
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Best-in-Class Rule Enhancements Support Adoption of New Technology
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ABS has introduced new Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Units (Offshore Rules) that bring multiple rule sets into a single, unified document with risk-based approaches for verifying new technologies along with easier navigation to support clients.
The forward-looking initiative is part of a multi-year collaboratio
ACI Joins Coalition To Urge Texas Lawmakers Against Heavy-Handed Regulation Of AI
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 -- The American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research issued the following news:
By Benjamin Dennehy
A coalition of over 20 policy organizations has voiced concerns about the proposed "Texas Responsible AI Governance Act" (TRAIGA), draft legislation that aims to regulate the artificial intelligence (AI) industry in the state. In a joint letter to Texas lawmakers, the coalition cautioned that TRAIGA's stringent regulations and compliance requirements could harm Texas
AFRS Airman Honored for Outstanding Contributions to AFA AIMS
ARLINGTON, Virginia, Dec. 2 [Category: National Defense] -- The Air and Space Forces Association issued the following news release:
Chief Master Sgt. Stan Franklin of the Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) was coined and honored by AFA's Northeast Texas Chapter 416 for his outstanding contributions in 2024 to the growth of AFA AIMS, AFA's new recruiting initiative. The recognition took place during a presentation by former Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass to the 344th Recruit
AIA Applauds Introduction of Critical Minerals Bill
ARLINGTON, Virginia, Dec. 6 [Category: Aerospace] -- The Aerospace Industries Association issued the following news release:
Arlington, Va. The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) today applauded Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), and John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) for introducing the STRATEGIC Minerals Act.
"Securing reliable access to critical minerals through both domestic production and international trade with allies is essential to counter U.S. rel
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses: Cardiogenic Shock Team Cuts Time to Diagnosis by Half
ALISO VIEJO, California, Dec. 4 (TNSres) -- The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses issued the following news release:
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Article in Critical Care Nurse details how a shock team at a Texas specialty hospital significantly improved the activation and alert process for patients with cardiogenic shock
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A cardiovascular specialty hospital in north Texas decreased time to diagnosis for patients with cardiogenic shock by more than half, according to a study published in Critical C
Americans for Tax Reform: Coalition Urges Texas Lawmakers Against Heavy-Handed Regulation of AI
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 -- Americans for Tax Reform issued the following news:
A coalition of more than 20 non-partisan policy organizations recently sent a joint letter to Texas lawmakers expressing concerns about the "Texas Responsible AI Governance Act" (TRAIGA), draft legislation introduced in November that seeks to regulate businesses operating in the artificial intelligence (AI) space.
"Though well-intentioned, this draft bill imposes restrictive regulations and burdensome compliance costs t
Baylor and Rice Receive $2.3 Million to Develop Antibody Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 5 (TNSres) -- The Baylor College of Medicine issued the following news:
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University have received a $2.3 million Breakthrough Award from the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs to develop a novel NanoGel antibody therapy that targets ER+ breast cancer that has metastasized to bone.
"Current treatments work well for ER+ breast cancer, but 20-40% of survivors later experience recurrence i
Baylor College of Medicine: Ease Seasonal Affective Disorder With Exercise Routine
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 5 (TNSres) -- The Baylor College of Medicine issued the following news:
As the days start getting shorter and darker, people might feel impacted by seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The downturn in mood that happens with the change in light is likely associated with decreased levels of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, in the body. If you are affected by SAD, it is important to continue your exercise routine as exercise boosts mood. A Baylor College of Med
Baylor College of Medicine: New Open-Source Platform Supports Large Imaging Data Analysis
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 3 (TNSres) -- The Baylor College of Medicine issued the following news:
Modern day drug discovery is shifting from single end point assays to more complex phenotypic assays that query single cell and population responses to chemicals and genetic manipulation. One such assay, cell painting, is designed to use imaging to highlight cellular substructures and, via image analysis pipelines, to quantify changes in the cellular state. This type of analysis often requires powerful
BCM Expands STEMM Curriculum in South Texas
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 6 -- The Baylor College of Medicine issued the following news:
The Center of Educational Outreach at Baylor College of Medicine will expand science, technology, engineering, math and medicine/biomedical science (STEMM) curriculum programs at select Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD) schools beginning in 2024 and 2025. Baylor-developed science and health pathways and an after-school program will be introduced to address student interest in the growing STEMM f
BCM Receives $3.5 Million to Study Telehealth Genetic Services for Sick, Underserved Newborns
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 6 (TNSres) -- The Baylor College of Medicine issued the following news:
Advances in genomic medicine have improved diagnoses and care of sick newborn babies in neonatal intensive care units, but many medical centers across Texas lack access to resources necessary to provide this care. Baylor College of Medicine has received a $3.5 million from the National Human Genome Research Institute for the MAGNET (Making Genomics Accessible to Newborns in Texas) program to study how t
Black, Native American and Civil Rights Advocates Urge Texas Court to End Hair Discrimination in Texas Schools
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 6 -- The Intercultural Development Research Association issued the following news release on Dec. 5, 2024:
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IDRA and Allies File Amicus Brief Supporting Students Deprived of Education Due to Hair Length
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(Houston, December 5, 2024) Today, a multiracial, intergenerational coalition of advocates filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging a Texas appellate court to end a Houston-area school district's years-long practice of discriminating against Black students
Bushu Pharma Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Offering Customer Value in APAC CDMO Industry Through Consistent Quality Assurance, On-Time Delivery, Sustainability, and Competitive Costs
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 3 -- Frost and Sullivan, a provider of market research and analysis, growth strategy consulting and corporate training services, issued the following news release on Dec. 2, 2024:
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Bushu Pharma's ongoing investments and efforts offer customers state-of-the-art capabilities, increased capacity, and innovative solutions, providing top-tier pharmaceutical manufacturing and supply chain management services.
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Frost & Sullivan researched the contract development
Cattlemen Relieved by Court Decision to Halt Corporate Transparency Act
CENTENNIAL, Colorado, Dec. 4 [Category: Agriculture] -- The National Cattlemen's Beef Association issued the following news release:
(December 4, 2024) Today, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) hailed the issuance of a nationwide preliminary injunction blocking the Corporate Transparency Act from being enforced on January 1, 2025. This ruling from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas protects millions of family farmers and ranchers from onerous reporting requi
Deep-sea marvels: How anglerfish defy evolutionary expectations
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 2 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
A groundbreaking Rice University study sheds light on the extraordinary evolution of anglerfish, a group of deep-sea dwellers whose bizarre adaptations have captivated scientists and the public alike. The research, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution , uncovers how these enigmatic creatures defied the odds to diversify in the harsh, resource-poor environment of the bathypelagic zone part of the open ocean that ex
Diageo, MADD, the NFL and Uber Team Up to Launch 'Take a Minute, Make a Plan' Campaign to Tackle Impaired Driving
IRVING, Texas, Dec. 3 -- Mothers Against Drunk Driving issued the following news release:
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Unveiled during National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, the new campaign encourages football fans to make responsible choices and plan to never drive impaired
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NEW YORK, NY --Premium drinks company Diageo North America, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), the National Football League (NFL), and Uber Technologies, Inc. join forces in a unique partnership to launch "Take a Minute. Make a
Esperanza Hall Groundbreaking Ushers in New Growth at Texas State Round Rock Campus
SAN MARCOS, Texas, Dec. 6 -- Texas State University issued the following news release:
Texas State University hosted a groundbreaking ceremony Dec. 4 for Esperanza Hall, the first new academic building to be constructed at the Round Rock Campus since Willow Hall opened in 2018.
TXST President Kelly Damphousse and Vice President for Round Rock Julie Lessiter delivered remarks at the event.
"During the last legislative cycle, TXST was given funds to help plan and build our newest academic buil
FACT: Texas Judge Wrongly Halts Enforcement of Landmark Anti-Money Laundering Law
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 -- The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition issued the following news release on Dec. 4, 2024:
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Injunction Must be Stayed Before End of Year to Protect U.S. Markets and Communities from Criminal Abuse
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On Tuesday, a lower court judge in Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction preventing the Department of the Treasury from enforcing the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), the most consequential U.S. anti-money laundering law of the
First Liberty Institute: Federal Court Stops New Jersey County From Excluding Churches From Historic Preservation Grant
PLANO, Texas, Dec. 3 -- The First Liberty Institute issued the following news release:
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Churches filed lawsuit for religious discrimination and unequal treatment following exclusion from grant funds, which were formerly allowed
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Trenton, NJ--The United States District Court for the District of New Jersey issued a preliminary injunction on behalf of The Mendham Methodist Church and The Zion Lutheran Church Long Valley in Morris County, stopping a Morris County policy that excludes c
HACU and Trellis Strategies release Student Financial Wellness Survey fall 2023 report
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 4 [Category: Education] -- The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities issued the following news release:
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities in collaboration with Trellis Strategies, a strategic research and consulting firm focused on advancing postsecondary education and strengthening the workforce, have released the Student Financial Wellness Survey, a self-reported, online survey documenting the financial wellbeing and success of postseco
HACU honors two congressional staffers in Washington, D.C.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 6 [Category: Education] -- The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities issued the following news release:
HACU honors two congressional staffers in D.C.
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities honored two congressional staff members at its Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) Winter Appreciation Celebration on December 5, 2024, at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in D.C. The honorees were recognized in appreciation for their exceptional dedica
HACU President speaks at The Guadalajara International Book Fair
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 3 [Category: Education] -- The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities issued the following news release:
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities' President and CEO Antonio R. Flores spoke at FIL Pensamiento, part of the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) on Dec. 3, 2024.
The session focused on the topic: "Estampas de la educacion superior transnacional. Derribando barreras para la incorporacion e inclusion educativa." The panel session
History professor's new book explores Fort Worth Narcotic Farm, decades of addiction treatment in U.S.
STILLWATER, Oklahoma, Dec. 5 -- Oklahoma State University issued the following news:
Before coming to Oklahoma State University in 2016, Dr. Holly Karibo worked at a university near Fort Worth, Texas, where a cluster of old 1930s-era buildings caught her eye.
Sitting on the Texas prairie, these were the remains of the historic Fort Worth Narcotic Farm, which is the subject of Karibo's third book, "Rehab on the Range: A History of Addiction and Incarceration in the American West."
Dr. Holly Ka
Immigration Reform Law Institute: Victory! Fifth Circuit Rules Texas Can Defend Itself
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 -- The Immigration Reform Law Institute issued the following news release:
In an important victory, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered Border Patrol to cease trespassing on Texas's chattels by cutting the razor-wire the state has put on the border to block illegal entries. The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) had submitted a brief to the court urging that result.
The Biden Administration claimed that the barriers are preempted under the Supremacy Clause be
Immune-Oncology Innovations: The Future of Cancer Treatment With ICIs, CAR-T, and CAR-NK Cell Therapies
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Nov. 30 (TNSres) -- Frost and Sullivan, a provider of market research and analysis, growth strategy consulting and corporate training services, issued the following news release on Nov. 29, 2024:
The landscape of immune-oncology (I-O) is rapidly evolving, driven by groundbreaking innovations in cell therapies and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). As the leading class of I-O agents, ICIs continue to be a foundational treatment for various cancers, while emerging therapies
JoAnne Bass Connects with UTA, TCU Students at AFA AIMS Events
ARLINGTON, Virginia, Dec. 2 [Category: National Defense] -- The Air and Space Forces Association issued the following news release:
Retired Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force #19 JoAnne Bass recently participated in a series of impactful events in North Texas as part of AFA's recruiting initiative, Advocates to Inspire Military Service (AIMS). Over the course of two days, Bass visited the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), the 344th Recruiting Squadron (RS) in Arlington, and Texas Chri
Lamar University: Valero Energy Corporation Commits $500,000 to Enhance Engineering Labs
BEAUMONT, Texas, Dec. 5 -- Lamar University issued the following news:
By April Thompson
Lamar University has announced a $500,000 gift from Valero Energy Corporation to upgrade the Process Control Lab and Unit Operations Lab in the Department of Chemical Engineering. The donation, presented on Giving Tuesday, will fund innovative equipment and infrastructure improvements to enhance student training in critical industry skills.
The upgrades include the addition of a PetroSkills simulator to t
Las mujeres mexicoamericanas son menos propensas a tomar medicamentos para prevenir el ataque o derrame cerebral conforme a las indicaciones dadas
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 4 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
Puntos destacados de la investigacion:
En un analisis de mas de 1,300 supervivientes de ataque o derrame cerebral, se observo que las mujeres eran menos propensas que los hombres a tomar, conforme a las indicaciones dadas, medicamentos para prevenir los ataques o derrames cerebrales recurrentes, como estatinas para reducir el colesterol y medicamentos para diluir la sangre y preve
Las politicas publicas son vitales para prevenir el uso de productos populares de nicotina oral
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 3 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
Aspectos destacados de la declaracion:
Una declaracion de politica recientemente emitida por la American Heart Association (la Asociacion Americana del Corazon) resume la evidencia mas reciente sobre el impacto de los productos sin humo de nicotina oral en la salud publica, identifica necesidades criticas de investigacion para comprender mejor las consecuencias del uso de estos
LDF Urges the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights to Release Its Findings in Its Investigation Into Civil Rights Violations in Southlake, Texas
NEW YORK, Dec. 5 -- The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund issued the following news:
The Legal Defense Fund and the law firm of Arnold & Porter issued a letter today on behalf of their clients, students and families in Southlake, Texas, demanding that the Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR") release the findings in its investigation of civil rights violations by the Carroll Independent School District ("CISD") no later than December 31, 2024. LDF joins the families' dem
Leading health organizations urge flu vaccination for those at higher risk
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 3 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
ARLINGTON, VA, BETHESDA, MD, CHICAGO, IL and DALLAS, TX, December 2, 2024 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2023-2024 influenza (flu) season saw between 34 and 75 million flu cases, up to 900,000 hospitalizations, and as many as 100,000 deaths. December 2 6, 2024 is National Influenza Vaccination Week, and the American Heart Association(r), Ame
MD Anderson Research Highlights: ASH 2024 Special Edition
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 5 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center issued the following research highlights:
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Featuring novel treatments and research insights for MDS, leukemia and lymphoma, encouraging long-term trial data, and potential targets for overcoming anemia
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The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center's Research Highlights showcases the latest breakthroughs in cancer care, research and prevention. These advances are made possible through seamless
Meenan finds success in CEAT after starting college as marketing major
STILLWATER, Oklahoma, Dec. 6 -- Oklahoma State University issued the following news:
Alan Meenan will receive a degree in industrial engineering and management from the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology this fall.
Although he began his college career as a marketing major, he decided to follow in his mother's footsteps and become an industrial engineer.
Meenan, a native of Southlake, Texas, was excited to explore creativity, business strategies and consumer behavior and wan
Mexican American women less likely to take stroke prevention medications as prescribed
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 4 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
Research Highlights:
An analysis of more than 1,300 stroke survivors found that women were less likely than their male counterparts to take medications, such as cholesterol-lowering statins and blood thinning medications to prevent blood clots, to prevent recurrent strokes, as prescribed.
Mexican American women were three times more likely to report not taking cholesterol-lowerin
New effort to improve care for hidden heart disease
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 4 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
DALLAS, December 4, 2024 An estimated 1 in 500 people in the U.S. are living with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) the most common inherited heart disease and many are unaware.[1]
HCM is a thickening of the lower main pumping chamber of the heart (the left ventricle). The disease is often underdiagnosed and inconsistently managed, leading to delayed treatment, increased risk of c
New York School Denies Student Request to Form an Official Bible Club Despite Meeting School Requirements
PLANO, Texas, Dec. 4 -- The First Liberty Institute issued the following news release:
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The school denied officially recognizing the club stating that it would "unconstitutionally" endorse religion.
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Waterville, NY--First Liberty Institute, along with C. Kevin Marshall and Michael Bradley from Jones Day, sent a letter to officials at the Waterville Central School District in New York on behalf of their client, an eighth-grade student, demanding that the school officially recognize
NFWF Awards $1.2 Million in New Conservation Grants to Support Bird Conservation along the Central Flyway
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 [Category: Environment] -- The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation issued the following news release:
HOUSTON (December 3, 2024) The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and ConocoPhillips, today announced more than $1.2 million in grants that will identify and improve key bird habitats across four states. The grants will leverage $560,000 in matching contributions for a total conservation impact of $1.8 millio
Nueva iniciativa para mejorar la atencion medica de las enfermedades cardiacas invisibles
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 4 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
DALLAS, 4 de diciembre de 2024 Se calcula que en EE. UU. 1 de cada 500 personas padece miocardiopatia hipertrofica (MCH), la enfermedad cardiaca hereditaria mas frecuente, y muchas no lo saben.[1]
La MCH es un engrosamiento de la camara de bombeo principal inferior del corazon (el ventriculo izquierdo). La enfermedad suele infradiagnosticarse y tratarse de forma incoherente, lo qu
Ohio AG Dave Yost Files Brief in Support of Dad's Place Church, Urges Court to Stay Decision to "Prevent Imminent Harm"
PLANO, Texas, Dec. 7 -- The First Liberty Institute issued the following news release on Dec. 6, 2024:
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State judge issued ruling preventing church's overnight ministry despite freezing temperatures.
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Bryan, OH--Late yesterday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost submitted a friend-of-the-court brief supporting Dad's Place, a Bryan, Ohio church keeping its doors open 24-hours a day, seven days a week that has been harassed by city officials for allegedly violating the city's fire code.
OpenStax celebrates 25 years of transforming education
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 4 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
OpenStax, an educational initiative of Rice University, is celebrating 25 years of expanding access to research-informed educational tools and resources for learners and educators worldwide. Throughout its history, OpenStax has served 36.7 million students across 153 countries and has saved students over $2.9 billion in related education costs.
Thanks in part to the work of OpenStax, textbook prices began to drop in 2
Public policies are vital to prevent the use of popular oral nicotine products
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 3 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
Statement Highlights:
A newly issued American Heart Association policy statement summarizes the latest evidence on the impact of smokeless oral nicotine products on public health, identifies critical research needs for further understanding the implications for use of these products and identifies public policy solutions to reduce their use, especially in youth and adolescents.
Rice Biotech Launch Pad hosts foundation representatives, Type 1 diabetes patients and advocates for campus tour
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 2 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
(Photo by Gustavo Raskosky/Rice University)The Rice Biotech Launch Pad, an accelerator dedicated to facilitating the transition of discoveries from Rice University labs into innovative therapies, hosted a group of Type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients, advocates and leaders from Breakthrough T1D, a leading global organization funding T1D research Nov. 15.
During its visit, the group had the opportunity to learn about ongoin
Rice experts available to discuss major earthquakes in California
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 5 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
Following the series of major earthquakes that struck Northern California Thursday morning and triggered a tsunami warning along the California and Oregon coast, Rice University experts are available to offer insights into the associated risks, impacts and mitigation strategies.
Following the series of major earthquakes that struck California, Rice experts are available to offer insights into the associated risks, imp
Rice experts available to discuss NASA Artemis II delay
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 5 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
Photo courtesy of NASA.NASA's Artemis II mission, the first human mission to the moon in over 50 years, has been delayed again due to an extended investigation into the crew capsule's heat shield. Originally scheduled for late 2025, the mission set to carry three U.S. astronauts and one Canadian astronaut is now expected to launch no earlier than April 2026.
Experts from Rice University, a long-standing partner in spa
Rice researchers examine why people remember certain things and not others
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 6 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
Exactly why do people remember what they remember? A recently published review paper from researchers at Rice University sheds light on this fundamental question and the relationship between factors that influence human memory.
It appears in a special issue of Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience focusing on individual differences in memory modulation. Authors Fernanda Morales-Calva, a graduate student in ps
Rice School of Architecture to dedicate new Cannady Hall Dec. 5
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 2 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
HOUSTON Dec. 2, 2024 A grand opening and dedication ceremony for William T. Cannady Hall and the strategic renovation of MD Anderson Hall will be hosted by the Rice University School of Architecture Dec. 5.
Cannady Hall is a new 22,000-square-foot facility designed by the renowned Swiss architectural firm Karamuk Kuo. The hall serves as a dynamic space for fabrication, research and exhibitions, combining sustainable d
Rice School of Architecture unveils 'campus within a campus' with new William T. Cannady Hall and MD Anderson Hall renovation
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 6 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
HOUSTON (Dec. 6, 2024) The Rice University School of Architecture is proud to announce the opening of William T. Cannady Hall for Architecture and a strategic renovation of MD Anderson Hall. Together, they form a sustainable and cohesive "campus within a campus," positioned at the southwest corner of Rice's historic Academic Quadrangle. The expansion reinforces the school's mission to advance architectural discourse, f
Rice to celebrate historic chemistry milestone and Wiess School's upcoming 50th anniversary
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 2 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
Rice University invites the community to commemorate a legacy of groundbreaking science at a Nobel Prize open house event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 9, held on campus at the Welcome Center in Sewall Hall. The special occasion marks the start of a yearlong celebration leading up to the Wiess School of Natural Sciences' 50th anniversary in the fall of 2025, spotlighting five decades of scientific innovation and impact
Richard Baraniuk honored with 2025 IEEE Signal Processing Medal
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 4 -- Rice University issued the following news release:
Richard G. Baraniuk, the C. Sidney Burrus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University, has been awarded the 2025 IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal. This honor recognizes Baraniuk's exceptional achievements in signal processing, particularly his pioneering work in multiscale and sparse signal processing. Notably, Baraniuk's professorship is named after his mentor, Charles Sidney Burrus,
Singtel Recognized by Frost & Sullivan for Offering Enterprises Market-Leading Holistic Protection Against Emerging Threats
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 6 -- Frost and Sullivan, a provider of market research and analysis, growth strategy consulting and corporate training services, issued the following news release on Dec. 5, 2024:
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With over 14 decades of industry expertise, business success, and commitment to continuous advancement, Singtel has become an industry leader that delivers fast, simple, reliable solutions that prioritize stakeholder value.
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Recently, Frost & Sullivan researched the cybersecurity
SMU Graduate Student Makes Breakthrough in Biosensing Technology
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 6 (TNSres) -- Southern Methodist University issued the following news:
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SMU mechanical engineering graduate student has figured out a way to enhance the sensitivity of nanopores for early detection of diseases.
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SMU Lyle mechanical engineering graduate student Kamruzzaman Joty has introduced a groundbreaking new technique in nanotechnology for detecting and analyzing biomolecules, potentially paving the way for new methods of early disease detection.
The study,
Survey: Older Adults Are Frequently Consuming CBD Products
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 [Category: Sociological] -- The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws issued the following news release:
Austin, TX: Nearly one in five adults between the ages of 50 and 64 acknowledge having consumed a CBD product within the past year and one in seven adults over the age of 65 have done so, according to survey data published in the journal Clinical Gerontologist.
Researchers at the University of Texas assessed CBD use in a nationally representative cohort o
Switchback Begins Countdown to June Debut as Outdoor Showcase Rides Wave of Positive Energy From The Running Event
BOULDER, Colorado, Dec. 2 -- Outdoor Industry Association posted the following news release:
(AUSTIN, TEXAS) - Switchback at The Running Event (TRE), the showcase collection of outdoor businesses at TRE, wrapped up its fall event amidst the high energy and heavy retailer traffic of a record-setting gathering.
Successfully blending anchor brands and emerging leaders, Switchback at TRE delivered strong results for attendees and a boost of momentum as the outdoor industry began its countdown towa
SwRI-Led Study Explores Risks of Chemical Exposure From Household Products
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 5 (TNSres) -- Southwest Research Institute issued the following news release:
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) collaborated with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to characterize the chemical makeup of 81 common household items. Researchers also evaluated the potential risk to users.
Exposure to chemicals can cause negative health effects, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Building on previous research to identify chemicals in cons
Team T5 Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Deeply and Effectively Monitoring Regional Adversaries and Incidents
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Nov. 30 -- Frost and Sullivan, a provider of market research and analysis, growth strategy consulting and corporate training services, issued the following news release on Nov. 28, 2024:
Frost & Sullivan recently assessed the threat intelligence industry and, based on its findings, recognizes TeamT5 (https://teamt5.org/) with the 2024 Taiwanese Company of the Year Award. This is the second time TeamT5 has received this award, having previously won it in 2023. The company lev
Texas anti-abortion bill exemplifies authoritarian direction
MADISON, Wisconsin, Dec. 2 [Category: Religion] -- The Freedom From Religion Foundation issued the following news release:
There's been yet another dystopian development regarding abortion rights in Texas.
A Lone Star State legislator has introduced a bill that would ban websites and information providing reproductive health care options online. And the measure would make it a felony to raise funds for abortion care.
Abortion is already banned in Texas with no exceptions for rape or incest. S
Texas: Attorney General Sues to Halt Implementation of Citywide Marijuana Depenalization Ordinance
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 [Category: Sociological] -- The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws issued the following news release:
Dallas, TX: Republican state Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed litigation that seeks to halt the city of Dallas from adopting a voter-approved measure prohibiting police from making low-level marijuana possession arrests.
On election day, voters in Dallas (population 1.3 million) and two other cities (Bastrop and Lockhart) decided in favor of municip
Two UT Health San Antonio Scientists Awarded V Foundation Grants to Advance Innovative Cancer Research
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 3 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio issued the following news release:
This year in the United States, it is projected that more than 2 million people will be diagnosed with cancer. Additionally, more than 600,000 people will die of the disease -- an average of nearly 1,680 each day.
The V Foundation for Cancer Research was founded in 1993 by ESPN and NCAA basketball coach Jim Valvano with the mission to achieve "Victory Over Canc
University of Houston: Enhancing Power Grid Resilience With Cutting-Edge Subsurface Sensing Technology
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 4 -- The University of Houston issued the following news:
By Rashda Khan
When Hurricane Beryl hit Houston in July, it caused extensive damage to trees and utility poles, leaving over two million households without power. A week later, 250,000 Texans still faced the extreme summer heat without electricity or air conditioning, and at least three people tragically lost their lives due to heat exposure. This disaster spotlighted critical vulnerabilities in Houston's largely ab
University of Houston: Two Universities in India Launch Doctor of Nursing Degree Programs
HOUSTON, Texas, Dec. 3 -- The University of Houston issued the following news:
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University of Houston Guidance Brings Projects to Fruition
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By Laurie Fickman
With support from the University of Houston's Andy & Barbara Gessner College of Nursing, two universities in India -- MGM Institute of Health Sciences in Mumbai and Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences -- have introduced the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, expanding advanced nursing education in the country. It is the fir
University of Richmond Geographers Awarded $800K NASA Grant for Research on Climate Impacts to Native Americans
RICHMOND, Virginia, Dec. 4 (TNSres) -- The University of Richmond issued the following news release:
David Seward Salisbury, an associate professor of geography, environment, and sustainability at the University of Richmond, was awarded a three-year, $804,605 grant from NASA to support a collaborative project focused on climate impacts on Native Americans in Virginia.
Salisbury will work closely with members of the Nansemond, Mattaponi, and Monacan Nations; fellow University of Richmond geogra
University of Texas-Austin: Ink-Based E-Tattoo Can Decode Brainwaves
AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 5 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas issued the following news release:
Since the emergence of temporary, skin-attached electronic tattoos more than a decade ago -- and their evolution to measure heart activity, track pneumonia, measure stress levels, and more -- researchers have grappled with a major logistical challenge: How can they be applied to hairy skin without losing performance?
To figure out this challenge, researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and U
UNTHSC Launches Hybrid Doctor of Physical Therapy Pathway
FORT WORTH, Texas, Dec. 5 -- The University of North Texas Health Science Center issued the following news:
By Eric Griffey
The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth is expanding its Doctor of Physical Therapy program by adding a hybrid pathway starting in July.
The new program format, recently approved by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, combines online and in-person learning, offering students greater flexibility while maintaining the pr
UT Health San Antonio Study Links Genetic Changes to Social Behavior Differences in Autism, Schizophrenia
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dec. 6 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio issued the following news release:
A study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that brain volume changes correlate with social behavior differences in psychiatric conditions such as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia.
The study, led by Noboru Hiroi, PhD., professor in the Department of Pharmacology, Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Sc
UT-Southwestern Medical Center: More Physician Training Proposed in Nutrition, Food Counseling
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 7 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center issued the following news release:
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Report co-authored by UTSW culinary medicine expert outlines competencies to teach physicians how to advise patients about healthy eating
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Poor diets have been linked to seven of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States, from heart disease to diabetes and certain types of cancer. Yet many physicians are not equipped to counsel patients about healthy f
UTA Student Recognized for Research on High-Fat Diets
ARLINGTON, Texas, Dec. 3 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas Arlington campus issued the following news release:
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Study on cardiovascular research received two awards from national health organization
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University of Texas at Arlington senior Ken Perry has always been interested in how the heart works. This curiosity led the Arlington High School graduate to start working in the lab of UTA kinesiology Professor R. Matthew Brothers during his second year of college. Now, two years l
UTEP Study: Propensity to Addiction Starts From First Drug Use Experience
EL PASO, Texas, Dec. 4 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas's El Paso campus issued the following news release:
Consuming addictive substances often involves an unpleasant experience, like using a needle, ingesting a bitter substance or inhaling smoke. These distasteful experiences -- known as aversive cues -- and our initial reactions to them are pivotal to understanding who will become an addict, said University of Texas at El Paso biologist Travis Moschak, Ph.D.
"Aversive cues matter from t
UTMB Pathologists Use AI-Enabled Tool to Help Diagnose Prostate Cancer
GALVESTON, Texas, Dec. 5 (TNSres) -- The University of Texas Medical Branch issued the following news release:
The University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Pathology is the first academic healthcare center in Texas to add an artificial intelligence-based-tool to its routine workflow for the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
UTMB pathologists recently began using an AI-based tool from Ibex to create digital overlays of every prostate biopsy that comes through the lab.
Pathologists can exam
UTSW Joins Project to Make Whole Eye Transplants a Reality
DALLAS, Texas, Dec. 5 -- The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center issued the following news release:
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Scientists, surgeons across U.S. uniting to develop vision-restoring procedures with ARPA-H award support
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UT Southwestern Medical Center is part of a major undertaking that will bring together more than 40 scientists, doctors, and industry experts handpicked from around the country to make vision-restoring whole eye transplants a reality.
"We are pleased to be particip
Will Fifth Circuit Allow Invasion by Appointment?
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 -- The Immigration Reform Law Institute issued the following news release:
The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) has filed a brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals supporting a lawsuit by Texas against a Biden Administration mass-migration app. The app allows would-be illegal aliens to schedule their crossing into America with Border Patrol, at which point they will be granted parole and released into our country.
The point of these programs, the administration c
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