Saturday - March 1, 2025
News Tipoffs - Utah Editors Newsletter for Wednesday December 04, 2024 ( 15 items )  

AG Coalition Urges the U.S. Senate to Confirm Pam Bondi as United States Attorney General
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, Dec. 4 -- Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill issued the following news on Dec. 3, 2024: Attorney General Liz Murrill joined a coalition of 30 current and future state attorneys general in urging the United States Senate to swiftly confirm Pam Bondi as the 87th United States Attorney General. "President Trump made an excellent choice with Pam Bondi for U.S. Attorney General. As longtime AG of Florida, she has the proven record to bring back the trust we need in our   more

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $850 Million to Revitalize Aging Water Infrastructure, Advance Drought Resilience
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 -- The U.S. Department of the Interior issued the following news release: The Department of the Interior today announced a $849 million investment from President Biden's Investing in America agenda to revitalize aging water delivery systems across the West. The funding supports 77 projects in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah and Washington to improve water conveyance and storage, increase safety, improve hydro  more

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $850 Million to Revitalize Aging Water Infrastructure, Advance Drought Resilience
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 -- The U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation issued the following news release: The Department of the Interior today announced a $849 million investment from President Biden's Investing in America agenda to revitalize aging water delivery systems across the West. The funding supports 77 projects in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah and Washington to improve water conveyance and storage, increa  more

Fla. A.G. Moody Leads Coalition of State AGs in Support of Pam Bondi's Senate Confirmation for U.S. Attorney General
TALLAHASSEE, Florida, Dec. 4 -- Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody issued the following news release on Dec. 3, 2024: Attorney General Ashley Moody is leading, along with South Carolina, a multistate effort urging the U.S. Senate to confirm former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi as the 87th U.S. Attorney General. Bondi served as Florida's first female attorney general for eight years and worked as a prosecutor for nearly two decades. Attorney General Moody, along with 27 other attorneys g  more

Iowa A.G. Bird Urges U.S. Senate to Confirm Pam Bondi as United States Attorney General
DES MOINES, Iowa, Dec. 4 -- Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird issued the following news release on Dec. 3, 2024: Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird today urged the U.S. Senate to swiftly confirm Pam Bondi as the 87th United States Attorney General. President Trump nominated Bondi, a prosecutor of nearly 20 years and former Florida Attorney General, to serve as U.S. Attorney General. During the height of the opioid crisis, Bondi fought to shut down pill mills that flooded streets with deadly dru  more

Iowa Gov. Reynolds Joins Letter Sent by Republican Governors to Congress Urging Action on Updated Farm Bill
DES MOINES, Iowa, Dec. 3 -- Gov. Kim Reynolds, R-Iowa, issued the following news release on Dec. 2, 2024: Gov. Reynolds today joined 16 other Republican governors in sending a letter to Congress calling on legislators to reauthorize an updated Farm Bill and provide our nation's farmers immediate financial assistance so American farmers can continue to feed our nation and the world. The letter reads as: "We, the undersigned Governors, write to express our concern for the future of rural Americ  more

Miss. A.G. Fitch Urges the U.S. Senate to Confirm Pam Bondias United States Attorney General
JACKSON, Mississippi, Dec. 4 -- Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch issued the following news release on Dec. 3, 2024: Attorney General Lynn Fitch joined a coalition of 30current and future state attorneys general in urging the United States Senate to swiftly confirm Pam Bondi as the 87th United States Attorney General. "I commend President-elect Trump for his appointment of Pam Bondi to serve as the United States Attorney General and I look forward to the Senate confirming her nomination,  more

Mo. A.G. Bailey Leads 23 States Putting Biden Administration on Notice About Fourth Illegal Student Loan Scheme
JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri, Dec. 4 -- Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey issued the following news release on Dec. 3, 2024: Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey led a 23-state coalition in putting the Biden Administration's Department of Education on notice about their fourth illegal attempt to saddle working Americans with someone else's debt. "We are 10-0 with the lawless Biden Administration in our fight to block their illegal redistribution of wealth. Missouri has successfully defend  more

NASS - Colorado Field Office: USDA Surveying Cattle Operations
LAKEWOOD, Colorado, Dec. 3 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service - Colorado Field Office issued the following news release: In January, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey more than 40,000 cattle operations nationwide to provide an up-to-date measure of U.S. cattle inventories. "This information helps producers make timely, informed business decisions such as planning for herd expansi  more

NASS - Colorado Field Office: USDA Surveying Sheep and Goat Operations
LAKEWOOD, Colorado, Dec. 3 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service - Colorado Field Office issued the following news release: Starting in January, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will measure inventories for sheep and goats as well as wool and mohair production through a nationwide survey. "Interest in sheep and goat data continues to grow with increased diversification in agriculture and consumer dem  more

NASS - Colorado Field Office: USDA to Measure Financial Well-Being of Farmers and Ranchers
LAKEWOOD, Colorado, Dec. 3 (TNSres) -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service - Colorado Field Office issued the following news release: Beginning in late December, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will spend several months gathering information about farm economics and production practices from farmers and ranchers across the region, as the agency conducts the third and final phase of the 2024 Agricultur  more

NASS - Colorado Field Office: USDA to Measure Milk Production
LAKEWOOD, Colorado, Dec. 3 (TNSres) -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service - Colorado Field Office issued the following news release: Thousands of milk producers across the country, including approximately 450 producers in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, will receive surveys from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), as the agency collects information for the January 2025  more

S.C. A.G. Alan Wilson Co-Leads Coalition Urging the U.S. Senate to Confirm Pam Bondi as United States Attorney General
COLUMBIA, South Carolina, Dec. 4 -- South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson issued the following news on Dec. 3, 2024: Attorney General Alan Wilson co-led a coalition of 30 current and future state attorneys general in urging the United States Senate to swiftly confirm Pam Bondi as the 87th United States Attorney General. "I could not be more thrilled by President Donald Trump's appointment of my dear friend Pam Bondi," said South Carolina Attorney General Wilson. "Pam and I served togeth  more

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona to Travel to Salt Lake City to Uplift Mental Health and Career Technical Education Programs
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 -- The U.S. Department of Education issued the following news release: Secretary Cardona will tour Kearns Junior High School, a community school, and participate in a roundtable with community-based organizations and the school district to discuss their efforts to support student mental health. Afterwards, he will tour the arts and digital media programs at Salt Lake Community College's South City Campus, and he will participate in a student roundtable focused on the importan  more

Utah A.G. Reyes Praises Texas for Antitrust Case Against ESG Asset Managers, Pledges Investigation
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Dec. 4 -- Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes issued the following news on Dec. 3, 2024: Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes recently announced his support for a lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Texas and a coalition of ten states sued three asset manager companies, Blackrock, Inc., State Street Corporation, and The Vanguard Group, Inc. The suit claims that they used their economic power to buy stock in nine coal companies and then used their influence a  more