News Tipoffs - Connecticut Editors Newsletter for Sunday November 24, 2024 ( 2 items ) |
Assistant A.G. Kanter Delivers Remarks at Procurement Collusion Strike Force 5th Anniversary Event
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 -- The U.S. Department of Justice issued the following remarks on Nov. 21, 2024, by Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter at the Procurement Collusion Strike Force's fifth anniversary event:
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As Prepared for Delivery
Five years ago, Justice Department leadership gathered in this building with U.S. Attorneys and leaders of federal law enforcement agencies to make public their bold vision -- an inter-agency effort designed to protect the government -- at all levels
HUD Announces $1.3 Million to Prevent Homelessness
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 -- The Department of Housing and Urban Development issued the following news release on Nov. 22, 2024:
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Funding will support housing assistance for young adults transition out of foster care.
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Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced $1.3 million in funding for 21 Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) across 15 states for young adults under 25 years old who left foster care or are transitioning out of foster care. Through the Foster Y
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