U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving Florida Newsletter for Wednesday August 14, 2024 ( 4 items ) |
Congressman Maxwell Frost Announces Over $3 Million Returned to Central Floridians and 3,000 Cases Solved Via Office's Constituent Services
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 -- Rep. Maxwell Frost, D-Florida, issued the following news release on Aug. 13, 2024:
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Frost's Office Has Also Sent Over 100,000 Responses Back to Constituents Who Contacted the Office Regarding Legislative Matters
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ORLANDO, FL -- Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (D-FL) announced that his office has helped return over $3 million in money owed to constituents of Florida's 10th Congressional District from various federal agencies.
Since assuming office
El Senador Rick Scott presenta el proyecto de ley SAFE U.S. Facilities Act para bloquear el acceso a instalaciones federales seguras al regimen comunista cubano y otros adversarios luego de la visita al TSA en Miami
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release:
A raiz de la decision que tomo la administracion Biden-Harris en mayo de permitir que agentes que representan al ilegitimo regimen comunista cubano, que es un estado patrocinador del terrorismo, visiten las instalaciones de la Administracion de Seguridad del Transporte (TSA, por sus siglas en ingles) y las areas de seguridad estadounidenses en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami, el Senador Rick Scott present
Sen. Rick Scott Introduces SAFE U.S. Facilities Act to Block Access to Federally Secure Facilities from Communist Cuban Regime & Other Adversaries Following Miami TSA Visit
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release:
Today, in the wake of the shocking decision by the Biden-Harris administration in May to allow operatives representing the illegitimate communist Cuban regime, which is a state sponsor of terrorism, to tour the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) facilities and U.S. security areas at Miami International Airport, Senator Rick Scott introduced the Stopping Adversaries From Exploring (SAFE) U.S. Faciliti
Sen. Rick Scott on PPI Report: The Biden-Harris Administration has Failed the American People
WASHINGTON, Aug. 13 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release:
Today, Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) highlighting the need to implement substantive fiscal reforms to end the ongoing inflation crisis fueled by the Biden-Harris administration's reckless tax-and-spend agenda. July's PPI data shows that there has been a significant rise in inflation during the Bi
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