Friday - January 17, 2025
U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving Ohio Newsletter for Tuesday August 06, 2024 ( 10 items )  

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Chairman Nehls Issues Opening Remarks at Hearing on Aftermath of Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials released the following opening remarks from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * I am pleased to call this hearing today to discuss rail safety, as well as the events that occurred in East Palestine. I am hopeful every Member has had  more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From American Chemistry Council Senior Director Sloan
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials released the following written testimony by Jeffrey Sloan, senior director for regulatory and scientific affairs at the American Chemistry Council, from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * Chairman Nehls, Ranking Member Wilson, and Members of the Subcommittee, thank yo  more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From Federal Railroad Administrator Bose
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials released the following written testimony by Federal Railroad Administrator Amit Bose from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * Chairman Graves, Ranking Member Larsen, Chairman Nehls, Ranking Member Wilson, and members of the subcommittee - thank you for the opportunity   more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From NTSB Chair Homendy
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials released the following testimony by the National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer L. Homendy from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * Good afternoon, Chairman Nehls, Ranking Member Wilson, and members of the subcommittee. Thank you for inviting the National T  more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Deputy Administrator Brown
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials released the following written testimony by Tristan H. Brown, deputy administrator at the U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * Introduction Good afternoon, Chairman Nehls, Ra  more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From Rep. Rulli
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials released the following testimony by Rep. Michael Rulli, R-Ohio, from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * Chairman Nehls, Ranking Member Wilson, and members of the subcommittee, thank you for allowing me to testify on the critical issue of rail safety in our nation. Le  more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From Sheet Metal, Air & Rail Transportation Workers Association Director Hynes
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials released the following written testimony by Greg Hynes, national legislative director for the Transportation Division of the Sheet Metal, Air and Rail Transportation Workers Association, from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * Good afternoon, Chairman Nehls, Ranking M  more

House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee Issues Testimony From Transportation Communications Union National Legislative Director Arouca
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials released the following written testimony by David Arouca, national legislative director for the Transportation Communications Union, from a July 23, 2024, hearing entitled "Examining the State of Rail Safety in the Aftermath of the Derailment in East Palestine, Ohio": * * * Good afternoon Chairman Nehls, Ranking Member Wilson, Members of the Subcommittee, and thank yo  more

Report: Biden-Harris Administration Has Released Into U.S. At Least 99 Potential Terrorists Since January 2021
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 -- Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, issued the following news release on Aug. 5, 2024: Today, the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement released an interim staff report titled, "Terror at Our Door: How the Biden-Harris Administration's Open-Borders Policies Undermine National Security and Endanger Americans ." This report highlights how the Biden-Harris Administration has released  more

Senator Collins, Bipartisan Group Introduce Bill to Fully Fund Veterans' Benefits
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 -- Sen. Susan M. Collins, R-Maine, issued the following news release: Today, U.S. Senator Susan Collins joined six of her Senate colleagues in introducing the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act. This bipartisan legislation would protect veterans' earned benefits and ensure the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is able to continue to pay disability compensation, pension, and education benefits to veterans. The   more