Saturday - September 7, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Florida Newsletter for Tuesday July 23, 2024 ( 3 items )  

Alliance for Retired Americans Thanks President Biden for His Service to the Nation
WASHINGTON, July 23 -- The Alliance for Retired Americans issued the following news release on July 21, 2024: Citing President Biden's record of commitment to seniors throughout his presidency and career in public service, the Alliance for Retired Americans, a national grassroots advocacy organization, today expressed their gratitude for his service and respect for his decision not to seek reelection. The Alliance has 4.4 million members nationwide including more than 900,000 who live in the b  more

Court Dismisses Challenge to Inaccurate Financial Impact Statement for Amendment 4
MIAMI, Florida, July 23 -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida issued the following news release on July 22, 2024: * * * Civil rights organization declares this is a "disappointment for democracy" * * * Today, the First District Court of Appeal refused to rule on the question of whether courts can review inaccurate and misleading financial impact statements. This decision is a setback for the integrity of our democratic process and the right of Florida voters to receive clear, accu  more

Florida Fishermen Challenge Unconstitutional Fishery Management Councils
SACRAMENTO, California, July 23 -- The Pacific Legal Foundation issued the following news release: Mobile, AL; July 22, 2024: Dominick and James Russo have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Commerce, challenging the constitutionality of a catch limit rule adopted by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council drastically limiting their business. The Russo brothers have been fishing since they were teenagers and now run FFC Seafood in Sarasota, Florida. Their largest source of income   more