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Tipoffs for Santa Fe, New Mexico (Los Alamos) Newsletter for Sunday July 21, 2024 ( 8 items )  

Eleven New Mexico Companies Awarded State Job Training Funds in July
SANTA FE, New Mexico, July 18 -- The New Mexico Department of Economic Development issued the following news release: * * * $1.2 Million Allocated to Train up to 93 New Employees Statewide * * * The New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) approved its monthly allocations of job training funds at the July 2024 Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) board meeting. EDD Acting Secretary Mark Roper announced that eleven companies applied for nearly $1.2 million this month, in preparation   more

First plasma marks major milestone in UW-Madison fusion energy research
MADISON, Wisconsin, July 18 -- The University of Wisconsin Madison campus issued the following news: Elliot Claveau, honorary fellow in the Department of Physics and experimental scientist at Realta Fusion, raises his hands in celebration of achieving a plasma from the control room at the Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror Project (WHAM) experiment being conducted at the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory in Stoughton on July 16, 2024. Photo: Bryce Richter STOUGHTON, Wis. A fusion device at th  more

Los Alamos Activity Report for the Week Ending June 21, 2024
WASHINGTON, July 17 -- The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board's Resident Inspector in Los Alamos National Laboratory issued the following weekly report for week ending June 21, 2024: * * * TO: Timothy J. Dwyer, Technical Director FROM: D. Gutowski, Resident Inspector SUBJECT: Los Alamos Activity Report for the Week Ending June 21, 2024 Plutonium Facility-Infrastructure: During performance of the annual ventilation system function test, personnel found that the system did not automatica  more

Los Alamos Activity Report for the Week Ending June 28, 2024
WASHINGTON, July 19 -- The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board's Resident Inspector in Los Alamos National Laboratory issued the following weekly report for week ending June 28, 2024: * * * TO: Timothy J. Dwyer, Technical Director FROM: D. Gutowski, Resident Inspector SUBJECT: Los Alamos Activity Report for the Week Ending June 28, 2024 Staff Activity: On Wednesday, a staff team held a remote interaction with Triad and NNSA Field Office personnel to discuss safety basis integration with  more

Los Alamos Researchers Look for Feedback on the Geothermal Clean Energy Testbed Scoping Study
WASHINGTON, July 16 (TNSres) -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory issued the following news on July 15, 2024: * * * Geothermal energy could bring high-paying jobs to New Mexico * * * Los Alamos National Laboratory recently funded a series of scoping studies to explore the possibility of leveraging local facilities, infrastructure and resources to test clean-energy technologies. The team leading this effort is looking for feedback from the community and wants to h  more

Machinists Go From Apprentice to Expert Through Hands-on Training
WASHINGTON, July 16 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory issued the following news: * * * On-the-job training at Los Alamos National Lab leads to long-term careers * * * When Alex Galindo emerged from the Machinist Apprentice Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory, he couldn't have known the unique opportunities that lie ahead. Galindo graduated from the program in mid-2022. The program trains new machinists in basic and advanced technology through hands-on   more

Savannah River Site, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories Surplus Plutonium Disposition 3013 Fire Testing
WASHINGTON, July 20 -- The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board issued the following letter on July 17, 2024: * * * The Honorable Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy, Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585-1000 Dear Secretary Granholm: The Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored testing to determine the confinement integrity of containers designed according to DOE Standard 3013, Stabilization, Packaging, and Storage of Plutonium-Bearing Materials. A team   more

Scientists add the human element to long-term flood predictions
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, July 17 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory issued the following news release: To better predict long-term flooding risk, scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a 3D modeling framework that captures the complex dynamics of water as it flows across the landscape. The framework seeks to provide valuable insights into which communities are most vulnerable as the climate changes, and was developed for a pro  more