Saturday - September 7, 2024
U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving North Carolina Newsletter for Friday July 19, 2024 ( 3 items )  

House Education Committee Chairwoman Foxx: The Courts AGAIN Tell Biden His Student Loan Scam is Illegal
WASHINGTON, July 19 -- Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-North Carolina, chairwoman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement on July 18, 2024: * * * Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after the Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit ruled today that the Biden administration's so-called "SAVE" plan--the costliest regulation in the history of the U.S.--is illegal: "The chaos and destruction this admini  more

House Financial Services Committee Leaders McHenry, Waters, Reps. Hill, Lynch Release Bipartisan AI Working Group Staff Report
WASHINGTON, July 19 -- Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, R-North Carolina, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, issued the following news release on July 18, 2024: Today, the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), and Ranking Member Maxine Waters (CA-43) released a staff report from the Committee's bipartisan Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI), led by Digital Assets, Financial Technology and Inclusion Subcommittee Chairman French Hill (AR-0  more

Tillis, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Clamp Down on Unemployment Insurance Fraud
WASHINGTON, July 18 -- Sen. Thom Tillis, R-North Carolina, issued the following news release: Senator Thom Tillis and 10 of his Senate colleagues recently introduced the bipartisan Unemployment Insurance Integrity and Accessibility Act, legislation that would make critical improvements to the nation's unemployment insurance system. "COVID-19 exposed vulnerabilities in our unemployment insurance system that must be addressed," said Senator Tillis. "This commonsense legislation protects taxpayer  more