Saturday - September 7, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Wisconsin Newsletter for Saturday July 06, 2024 ( 4 items )  

FFRF blasts Supreme Court decision granting Trump immunity
MADISON, Wisconsin, July 1 -- The Freedom From Religion Foundation issued the following news release: The Freedom From Religion Foundation says that today's dangerous Supreme Court decision granting former President Donald Trump immunity from criminal prosecution underscores the urgent need to curb the unchecked power of the Supreme Court. "This decision undermines the very foundation of our democracy," says Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-founder and co-president. "No one, not even the president  more

FFRF demands Champaign, Ill., school district stop collaborating with religious group
MADISON, Wisconsin, July 1 -- The Freedom From Religion Foundation issued the following news release: The Freedom From Religion Foundation is criticizing the Champaign Unit 4 School District in Illinois for working with a Christian group to proselytize to underprivileged students. A concerned community member informed FFRF that Youth For Christ's Eastern Illinois chapter is receiving special access to school children within the Unit 4 district. The group is infamous for its homophobic policies  more

FFRF: Iowa court's abortion ban disenfranchises women
MADISON, Wisconsin, July 1 -- The Freedom From Religion Foundation issued the following news release: A divided Iowa Supreme Court decision Friday, in approving a ban on most abortions, has effectively turned women in that state into noncitizens. In an appalling miscarriage of justice, the court determined that a state constitutional right to life and liberty applies only to fetuses, not born women and pregnant persons. "Those of us who care about civil liberties must guard against becoming h  more

Wisconsin Supreme Court Moves to Protect Critical Natural Areas
MADISON, Wisconsin, July 6 -- Clean Wisconsin issued the following news release on July 5, 2024: Today the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled 6-1 that a statute allowing the legislative Joint Committee on Finance (JCF) to block Knowles-Nelson Stewardship projects violates the Wisconsin constitution. The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship program was created in 1989, and named after Republican Warren Knowles and Democrat Gaylord Nelson, to protect Wisconsin's environment and preserve opportunities for outdo  more