Saturday - September 7, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving North Carolina Newsletter for Saturday June 29, 2024 ( 4 items )  

CAIR Joins Call for Veto of North Carolina Anti-Free Speech Bill
WASHINGTON, June 29 -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations issued the following news release on June 28, 2024: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today joined calls by members of the Jewish and Muslim community in North Carolina calling for the veto of a bill that would harm the constitutional right to free speech in that state. Jewish and Muslim activists protested yesterday against a bill that would codify the controversial and widely-disputed International Holocaust Reme  more

Goldwater Institute Issues Commentary: North Carolina Lawmakers Advance Right to Try for Individualized Treatments
PHOENIX, Arizona, June 29 -- The Goldwater Institute issued the following commentary on June 28, 2024: * * * North Carolina Lawmakers Advance Right to Try for Individualized Treatments By Brian Norman Rare disease patients in North Carolina are now one step closer to accessing potentially lifesaving treatments that are designed around their own unique genetic information. This week, North Carolina lawmakers passed the Goldwater Institute's Right to Try for Individualized Treatments, legislat  more

John Locke Foundation Celebrates Landmark Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Chevron
RALEIGH, North Carolina, June 29 -- The John Locke Foundation issued the following news release on June 28, 2024: Today, the Supreme Court has made a landmark decision to overturn the 40-year-old Chevron decision, a move that restores the Constitution's balance of power between the Executive branch, Congress, and the judiciary. The John Locke Foundation strongly supports this decision, recognizing it as a victory for constitutional governance and the rule of law. Jessica Thompson, Director of   more

USMCA Council to Investigate Mexico's Failure to Protect the Vaquita
WILMINGTON, North Carolina, June 28 -- The Animal Welfare Institute issued the following news release on June 27, 2024: After a two-year delay, the Council of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) voted unanimously yesterday to investigate Mexico's failure to protect the critically endangered vaquita porpoise. Mexico has not enforced its own fishing and wildlife trade laws, and that failure is causing the near-extinction of the vaquita. In 1997, the vaquita population in the Upper   more