Monday - September 16, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Colorado Newsletter for Friday June 28, 2024 ( 9 items )  

Analysis: Proximity to Cannabis Retailers Associated With Rising Home Values
WASHINGTON, June 27 [Category: Sociological] -- The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws issued the following news release: Seattle, WA: Homes located near cannabis retailers are more likely than others to appreciate in value, according to an analysis provided by Tomo Real Estate. Analysts assessed the relationship between cannabis retailers and home prices in three states: Colorado, Michigan, and Oregon. Researchers examined annual increases or decreases in median home price  more

BOULDER, Colorado, June 28 (TNSres) -- The National Center for Atmospheric Research issued the following news release: * * * Regional cloud brightening stops cooling, computer models show * * * One regional geoengineering proposal for alleviating the extreme heat effects of global warming, the brightening of marine clouds to reflect more solar energy to space over different limited areas, could work in present-day conditions but may become ineffective in the future, according to new research  more

ASSP Plans Three Dynamic Sessions for Safety 2024 in Denver
PARK RIDGE, Illinois, June 28 (TNSres) -- The American Society of Safety Professionals issued the following news release on June 27, 2024: The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) will present three general sessions that attendees won't want to miss this summer at the Safety 2024 Professional Development Conference and Exposition in Denver. The dynamic presentations bring thousands of safety and health professionals together to experience inspirational messages while learning somethi  more

Cheryl Dowd Receives National Award for Educational Technology and Distance Education Policy Work
BOULDER, Colorado, June 28 -- The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education issued the following news release: Cheryl Dowd, senior director, State Authorization Network (SAN) and WCET Policy Innovations, was recently honored with one of the highest awards of the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA). The USDLA Eagle Award is presented to a nationally recognized public official that has demonstrated unique leadership in the public policy arena and has a long-standing reco  more

DENVER, Colorado, June 28 (TNSres) -- The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless issued the following news release on June 27, 2024: To afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment at fair market rent in Colorado, full-time workers need to earn $37.47 per hour or work 104 hours a week at the current Colorado minimum wage. This amounts to 2.6 full-time jobs to afford modest housing. This is Colorado's 2024 Housing Wage, revealed in the Out of Reach national report released today by the National Low Incom  more

NPC Welcomes H-2A Wage Freeze Included in FY25 Appropriations Bill
WASHINGTON, June 28 -- The National Potato Council issued the following news release on June 27, 2024: The National Potato Council welcomed today's action by the House Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee to pass a Fiscal Year 2025 bill that includes language to reduce the H-2A Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) to the 2023 level and freeze that rate for two years. "We appreciate the recognition by so many members of Congress of the signifi  more

Report evaluates Colorado's environmental permitting process
WASHINGTON, June 27 [Category: ThinkTank] -- The Competitive Enterprise Institute issued the following news release: The Competitive Enterprise Institute today released a new report examining environmental permitting in Colorado, the latest in a series of reports on this topic. "Colorado has reformed its regulatory processes over the past decade to help businesses and citizens obtain environmental permits to do what kinds of things," said James Broughel, CEI senior fellow and author of the rep  more

SEMI Applauds U.S. CHIPS Act Award for Entegris Semiconductor Materials Facility in Colorado
MILPITAS, California, June 28 -- SEMI, an association serving the manufacturing supply chain for the electronics industry, issued the following news release on June 27, 2024: SEMI, the industry association serving the global electronics design and manufacturing supply chain, today applauded the United States Department of Commerce's announcement of a Preliminary Memorandum of Terms for an award under the CHIPS and Science Act to support Entegris construction of a state-of-the-art manufacturing   more

Sheri Jungman, Talent Acquisition Manager for University of Colorado System Office, Will Continue as Chair of CUPA-HR's Western Region Board of Directors
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, June 28 -- The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources issued the following news release on June 27, 2024: Sheri Jungman, talent acquisition manager for the University of Colorado System Office, assumed the position of chair of the Western Region board of directors of the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) in January 2024. She will continue to serve as chair for the 2024-25 fiscal year. In addition to  more