Thursday - September 19, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Colorado Newsletter for Saturday June 22, 2024 ( 5 items )  

Cheryl Porter Becomes AWWA's First African American President at ACE24
DENVER, Colorado, June 22 -- The American Water Works Association issued the following news release: Cheryl Porter, chief operating officer of water and field services at Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), made history last week by becoming the first African American president of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) at the Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE24) gavel passing ceremony. She is also the first woman of color to hold this position at AWWA. Porter brings 28 years of experi  more

Colorado Confirms New Wolf Pack with Wolf Pup Sighting
WASHINGTON, June 21 [Category: Environment] -- The Defenders of Wildlife issued the following news release: "This confirmation of reproduction by two of the newly released gray wolves is truly exciting and marks a critical milestone of a successful reintroduction to the Southern Rockies," said Kaitie Schneider, Rockies and Plains Representative at Defenders of Wildlife. "As this pack grows, and the remaining wolves continue to search for mates and territory, we are committed to advancing and ad  more

Johns Hopkins APL, University of Colorado Boulder Advance in NASA Space Weather Proposal Opportunity
LAUREL, Maryland, June 22 (TNSres) -- The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory issued the following news release: A multi-institutional team including the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, and the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) is one of three concept teams chosen by NASA competing to develop Phase-A proposals to enact the space agency's Dynamical Neutral Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (DYNAMIC) mission. Each of the three teams will  more

NAGR Statement on Today's SCOTUS Ruling United States Vs. Rahimi
LOVELAND, Colorado, June 22 -- The National Association for Gun Rights issued the following statement on June 21, 2024: * * * Today, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in United States v. Rahimi, holding that the federal law allowing individuals subject to certain restraining orders may be disarmed for the duration of the restraining order. The ruling was 8-1, authored for the majority by Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting. "In our amicus brief, we asked the   more

Pennsylvania Gun Rights Announces Opposition to Governor Shapiro's Gun Owner Surveillance Slush Fund in PA Budget
LOVELAND, Colorado, June 22 -- The National Association for Gun Rights issued the following news release on June 20, 2024: Pennsylvania Gun Rights - the state affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights - announced their opposition today, to several aspects of Governor Josh Shapiro's proposed budget containing various forms of gun control. "If Governor Shapiro and Speaker McClinton have their way, a 1.5-million-dollar taxpayer financed slush fund could be used to harass law-abiding fi  more