Friday - October 18, 2024
Federal Tipoffs Involving Tennessee Newsletter for Sunday June 02, 2024 ( 9 items )  

Air Force Test Center-Level Winners of Air Force Material Command Science, Engineering & Technical Management Awards Announced
ARNOLD AFB, Tennessee, May 31 -- The U.S. Air Force Arnold Air Force Base issued the following news: Arnold Engineering Development Complex team members took home honors in 10 of the 17 award categories in the Air Force Test Center-level Air Force Material Command Science, Engineering and Technical Management Awards for 2023. Award nomination packages are judged upon three elements: operational impact, innovative improvements and customer focus. The AEDC AFTC-level award winners, including th  more

DEA-Louisville Division and Its Partners Remove More Than 670,000 Pounds of Unused Medications From Communities Nationwide
LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, May 29 -- The U.S. Justice Department's Drug Enforcement Administration's Louisville Division issued the following news release: DEA and its local law enforcement partners collected 670,136 pounds of unused medications during the 26th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 27, 2024. Locally, the Louisville Field Division, which covers Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia, collected over 45,000 pounds between 273 sites. Tennessee collected the most in the div  more

EPA: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $12,005,000 in Rebates for Clean School Buses Across Tennessee as Part of Investing in America Agenda
NASHVILLE, Tennessee, May 31 -- The Environmental Protection Agency issued the following news release on May 29, 2024: Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the recipients of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) 2023 Clean School Bus Program rebate competition, funded by President Biden's Investing in America agenda. The rebates will help selectees purchase over 44 clean school buses in eight school districts across Tennessee. The Program will help Tennessee accelerate th  more

Manufacturing Demonstration Facility at ORNL hosts first Innovation Days
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, May 31 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory issued the following news release: Momentum for manufacturing innovation in the United States got a boost during the inaugural MDF Innovation Days, held recently at the U.S. Department of Energy Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, or MDF, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The biennial event brought together more than 120 representatives from industry, ORNL, U.S. Department of Energy offices and acad  more

Oak Ridge Contractor's Grants Fund 41 Projects in Local Schools
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, May 30 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management issued the following news: Oak Ridge cleanup contractor UCOR is awarding $45,000 in grants for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) projects benefiting 29 schools across the region. Since launching the grants program in 2012, UCOR has given $395,000 to support education, heighten awareness about STEM fields and help develop the next-generation workforce through the awards, k  more

Recent Signings Usher in Final Cleanup Phase at Oak Ridge's ETTP
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, May 30 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management issued the following news: With crews set to finish remediating soil at the East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) this year, the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) is shifting focus to groundwater -- the final phase of cleanup there. That work can now move forward with the recent signing of two records of decision between OREM, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency a  more

Sample materials can now take a tumble
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, May 28 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory issued the following news release: Scientists from the University of California, Davis, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a sample holder that tumbles powdered photochemical materials within a neutron beamline. The rotating holder exposes more of the material to light for increased photoactivation and better photochemistry data capture. Conventional sample holders were unable to rotate, or t  more

Sean Hollander values team, and beam, work
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, May 29 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory issued the following news release: Sean Hollander beams when he describes his work on the beamline at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Hollander, an associate technician in the Neutron Symmetries group who has been at ORNL only since December 2022, is enthusiastic about maintaining and servicing the beamline assemblies and associated hardware at one of the world's most powerfu  more

Tennessee institutions partner to develop dependable AI for national security applications
OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, May 30 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory issued the following news release: Artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming one of the most important assets in global competition, including AI-assisted autonomy and decision-making in battlefield applications. However, today's AI models are vulnerable to novel cyberattacks and could be exploited by adversaries. Moreover, the models are not sufficiently robust and dependable to orchestrate and exec  more