Tuesday - March 18, 2025
State Tipoffs Involving Iowa Newsletter for Saturday May 18, 2024 ( 5 items )  

Featured: Central RED Welcomes Alumnus and Iowa's Lieutenant Governor
PELLA, Iowa, May 17 -- Central College issued the following news: The Central RED Society members will meet Iowa's Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg on Thursday, May 23. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. and the program begins at 6 p.m. in the Boat, Moore, Weller Rooms, Maytag Student Center. The cost is $15, and a cash bar is available. How did Gregg become Lieutenant Governor for the state of Iowa? From Central College and Drake Law School to BrownWinick Law in Des Moines to the State Capital  more

Iowa Gov. Reynolds Signs Final Bills Into Law
DES MOINES, Iowa, May 18 -- Gov. Kim Reynolds, R-Iowa, issued the following news release on May 17, 2024: Today, Gov. Kim Reynolds signed the remaining bills into law: HF 2686: A bill for an act relating to the organization, structure, and functions of state and local governments, providing for salaries of certain state officers, making statutory corrections, resolving inconsistencies, removing ambiguities, and including effective date provisions. SF 2370: A bill for an act concerning the exe  more

Iowa Gov. Reynolds Signs SF 2368 Into Law, Announces Charter School Grant Program
DES MOINES, Iowa, May 18 -- Gov. Kim Reynolds, R-Iowa, issued the following news release on May 17, 2024: Today at Horizon Science Academy in Des Moines, Governor Kim Reynolds signed SF 2368, a bill for an act relating to education, including by modifying provisions related to the sale of real property by school districts, charter school and open enrollment funding, and the participation in school activities by students enrolled in charter schools, into law. Additionally, the governor announce  more

Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa's Unemployment Rate Decreases to 2.8 Percent in April
DES MOINES, Iowa, May 17 (TNSres) -- Iowa Workforce Development issued the following news release: Iowa's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 2.8 percent in April, down from last month's rate of 2.9 percent and tying the rate from a year ago. The state's labor force participation rate fell to 66.8 percent, down from 67 percent last month. Meanwhile, the U.S. unemployment rate rose to 3.9 percent in April. "April's report shows signs of easing across the Iowa economy, with several industr  more

Ohio Education Dept. Director Recommends Appointment of Jeremy B. Varner to Lead Division of Career-Technical Education and Workforce
COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 17 -- The Ohio Department of Education issued the following news release on May 15, 2024: Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) Director Stephen D. Dackin today announced he is recommending the appointment of Jeremy B. Varner to be the Department's new deputy director leading the Division of Career-Technical Education and Workforce. Varner joins the Department from the Iowa Department of Education, where he served as administrator of the Division of Community Col  more