Thursday - March 6, 2025
State Tipoffs Involving Louisiana Newsletter for Sunday January 07, 2024 ( 11 items )  

Entergy Delivers Nearly $500M in Economic Impact for Greater New Orleans Region
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Jan. 5 -- Entergy issued the following news release: The greater New Orleans region is enjoying nearly half of $1 billion dollars in economic benefits because the city is host to the corporate headquarters for Entergy, the city's only Fortune 500 company. According to a recent study by Louisiana State University economist Dr. Loren Scott, Entergy's total economic impact in New Orleans reached nearly $500 million in sales in the city in 2021. "Entergy's low-cost electric  more

Entergy: Steps Taken to Winterize Critical Systems, Electric Infrastructure
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Jan. 4 -- Entergy issued the following news release: Entergy's Louisiana utilities and their dedicated crews and contractors are committed to providing customers with reliable service and are always ready to respond and restore power if needed, even during the winter season. Winter storms and the threats associated with them can develop and move in quickly, and that is why Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans are encouraging customers to join us in being prepared fo  more

Grambling State University: Board Appoints Walton Interim President of Grambling
GRAMBLING, Louisiana, Jan. 5 -- Grambling State University issued the following news on Dec. 4, 2024: The Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System's Executive Committee appointed Dr. Connie Walton as interim president of Grambling State University at today's meeting. Dr. Walton currently serves as the institution's provost and vice president for academic affairs and has worked at Grambling for nearly eight years. She earned her Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Southe  more

La. Gov. Edwards' Farewell Address
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, Jan. 5 -- Gov. John Bel Edwards, D-Louisiana, issued the following remarks on Jan. 4, 2024: * * * Good evening! Thank you all so much for coming out tonight and joining Donna and me in our hometown of Amite. As I look out into this crowd, I see family, friends, neighbors, and even strangers who have supported and encouraged me since day one. As y'all probably know, This town is where I first learned the importance of faith, family, and hard work. It's where my mama, a   more

Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Embraces Innovation
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Jan. 4 -- Loyola University issued the following news release: Loyola University New Orleans College of Law is the first and only law school in Louisiana to accept JD-Next scores as a part of its admissions process. Effective immediately, Loyola Law will allow candidates to its Juris Doctor (JD) program to apply for admission with either JD-Next test scores, Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Dean of the Law College, Madeleine L  more

Loyola University: Law Clinic Director and Professor Emeritus Bill Quigley to Receive St. Ives Award
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Jan. 5 -- Loyola University issued the following news release: The Loyola University New Orleans College of Law and Law Alumni Board are excited to present the law school's most prestigious recognition, the St. Ives Award, to Law Clinic Director and Professor Emeritus Bill Quigley, JD '77. The award, which recognizes graduates who serve the college and represent the profession's highest standards, will be bestowed at the 2024 College of Law Alumni Luncheon on Jan. 19, 2  more

LSU Biomedical Research Center: U.S. News & World Report's 2024 Best Diets - DASH Diet Again Ranked in Multiple Categories
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, Jan. 4 (TNSres) -- The Louisiana State University's Pennington Biomedical Research Center issued the following news release: With the new year, individuals across the globe are looking for healthy eating options as part of those New Year's resolutions, and U.S. News & World Report's annual release of its Best Diets rankings can assist people in making informed decisions about achieving their health goals. In this year's new rankings, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hyper  more

LSU-Shreveport: Human Performance Lab Conducting Research Comparing College and High School Athletes
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, Jan. 4 (TNSres) -- Louisiana State University Shreveport campus issued the following news: By Matt Vines What measurable differences exist between competent high school and college student-athletes? An LSUS researcher has embarked on a multi-year study to answer that question, performing a battery of tests on local male and female college and high school athletes in a variety of sports. Using the LSUS Human Performance Lab, lab coordinator Aaron Adams is collecting da  more

Southeastern Louisiana University Opens Community Music School Registration
HAMMOND, Louisiana, Jan. 5 -- Southeastern Louisiana University issued the following news release: Registration is now open for the spring session of Southeastern Louisiana University's Community Music School. The 13-week spring semester will begin Jan. 22 and will offer individual lessons on various musical instruments and voice to students of all ages at Southeastern's main campus in Hammond and at the Livingston Literacy Center in Walker. The CMS will welcome a new voice/piano instructor t  more

Tulane University Law School: Kondkar Honored for Her Advocacy on Behalf of Survivors of Intimate-Partner Violence
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, Jan. 4 -- Tulane University Law School issued the following news: Professor Becki Kondkar has been awarded the Association of American Law School's 2024 Pro Bono Access to Justice Award, which recognizes just one individual or program in the nation each year for their role in removing barriers to justice for people unable to afford legal representation. Highlighting her leadership role with the law school's Women's Prison Project (WPP), the selection committee noted Kon  more

With Nutrition and Community Health Name Change, LSU AgCenter Focuses in on Its Nutrition Mission
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana, Jan. 3 -- The Louisiana State University Ag Center issued the following news: Much of the work LSU AgCenter nutrition agents are doing centers on the specific needs of the communities they serve. In East Baton Rouge Parish, AgCenter nutrition agent Dewanna Bandy Drewery partnered with a local high school to provide nutrition classes for students and their parents. She collaborated with the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank to bring a food pantry to the school to help with f  more