Monday - March 10, 2025
Tipoffs for Greenville, South Carolina (textiles) Newsletter for Sunday October 01, 2023 ( 11 items )  

ACS Nano Journal Issues Research Articles in Sept. 26, 2023 Edition
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 -- ACS Nano, a journal from the American Chemical Society that says it covers nanoscience and nanotechnology at the interfaces of chemistry, biology, materials science, physics and engineering, published research articles on the following topics in its Sept. 26, 2023, edition (Vol. 17, Issue 18): Perspectives: * Toward the Controlled Synthesis of Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals * On-Surface Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons with Atomically Precise Structural Heteroge  more

Aggies Come Together for USU's 2023 Homecoming Week Oct. 1-7
LOGAN, Utah, Sept. 25 -- Utah State University issued the following news: Utah State University 2023 Homecoming is just a falling leaf away, with events going from Sunday, Oct. 1, through Saturday, Oct. 7. Longtime Aggies will recognize notable events for the week that include A Day of Giving on Thursday, Oct. 5 to help raise money for student scholarships and True Aggie Night on Friday, Oct. 6, just before midnight under the "A" lit blue atop Old Main. More fun begins Saturday, Oct. 7, with   more

Catalysts Journal Issues Research Articles in September 2023 Edition
BASEL, Switzerland, Sept. 25 -- Catalysts, an open access journal of catalysts and catalyzed reactions, published research articles on the following topics in its September 2023 edition (Vol. 13, Issue 9): * A New Family of Vinyl Selenocyanates with the Amide Function Based on the Reaction of Potassium Selenocyanate with 3-Trimethylsilyl-2-Propynamides * A Review on Biolubricants Based on Vegetable Oils through Transesterification and the Role of Catalysts: Current Status and Future Trends *   more

Cellulose Issues Research Articles in Vol. 30, Issue 15
BASEL, Switzerland, Sept. 29 -- Cellulose, a peer-reviewed journal that says it covers the conversion of polymers and resources into manufactured goods, such as pulp, paper, textiles and natural fibers, published research articles on the following topics in its October 2023 edition (Vol. 30, Issue 15): * Interactions between non-cellulosic plant cell wall polysaccharides and cellulose emerging from adsorption studies * Review of Sansevieria Ehrenbergii (SE) leaf fibers and their potential appl  more

EBRD Forecasts Strong Economic Performance in Central Asia
LONDON, England, Sept. 27 -- The European Union's European Bank for Reconstruction and Development issued the following news: The economies of Central Asia demonstrated strong growth in the first half of 2023, bolstered by a resumption of international trade and tourism, as well as high levels of migration and remittances from Russia, according to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (EBRD) latest Regional Economic Prospects (REP) report, published today. According to the Bank  more

EBRD Forecasts Strong Economic Performance in Central Asia
LONDON, England, Sept. 28 -- The European Union's European Bank for Reconstruction and Development issued the following news: The economies of Central Asia demonstrated strong growth in the first half of 2023, bolstered by a resumption of international trade and tourism, as well as high levels of migration and remittances from Russia, according to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (EBRD) latest Regional Economic Prospects (REP) report, published today. According to the Bank  more

EWG Study: Humans Serve as Sentinels for 'forever Chemicals' Harm to Wildlife Health
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 (TNSres) -- The Environmental Working Group issued the following news release: A new paper by Environmental Working Group scientists proposes an intriguing concept: Humans can serve as a valuable resource for understanding the impact on other animal species of the toxic "forever chemicals" known as PFAS. "PFAS pollution is not just a problem for humans," said David Andrews, Ph.D., senior scientist at EWG. "It's a problem for species across the globe. This new paper delves   more

Institute for Energy Research: California's Energy Bills, Mandates and Climate Disclosure Law
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 -- The Institute for Energy Research issued the following agency statement on Sept. 26, 2023: * * * * The California legislature passed more than 800 energy bills potentially adding to the energy misery its residents face. * California has the nation's highest gas and diesel prices and rising electricity prices, and these bills will add to the burden. * Included among this year's bills is one requiring some firms doing business in the state to report their direct and ind  more

Microplastics Are Found in Cave Water and Sediment, Says SLU Research
HILLSBORO, Missouri, Sept. 28 (TNSres) -- St. Louis University issued the following news: In two recent papers, Saint Louis University researchers report finding high concentrations of microplastics present in a Missouri cave system that had been closed to human visitors for 30 years. Elizabeth Hasenmueller, Ph.D., associate professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and associate director of the WATER Institute at SLU, and her team published findings in the journals, Science of the Total Env  more

Processes Journal Issues Research Articles in September 2023 Edition
BASEL, Switzerland, Sept. 26 -- Processes, a peer-reviewed open access journal on processes in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, materials and systems engineering research fields, published research articles on the following topics in its September 2023 edition (Vol. 11, Issue 9): * A Compact Microwave-Driven UV Lamp for Dental Light Curing * A Comparative Study on the Bioavailability and Soil-to-Plant Transfer Factors of Potentially Toxic Element Contamination in Agricultural Soils and Their   more

University of Arkansas: Cotton Grant to Advance Knowledge of Sustainability Among Apparel Students
FAYETTEVILLE, Arkansas, Sept. 28 -- The University of Arkansas issued the following news: Three U of A faculty members in the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences have received more than $33,000 grant funding for a program to help educate students about cotton sustainability. Associate professor Eunjoo Cho, assistant professor Kyuree Kim and teaching assistant professor Sarah Hixson, all apparel merchandising and product development faculty members in the college's Scho  more