Monday - March 17, 2025
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Utah Newsletter for Sunday July 23, 2023 ( 4 items )  

Council for Responsible Nutrition: Supplement Trade Associations Join Reps. LaHood, Boyle, Curtis, & Gottheimer to Give Americans Increased Flexibility to Purchase Nutritional Supplements for Better Health
WASHINGTON, July 21 (TNSgov) -- The Council for Responsible Nutrition issued the following news release: The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), with the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Natural Products Association (NPA), and the United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA)--organizations representing dietary supplement manufacturers, marketers, and ingredient suppliers--applaud the introduction of the Dietary Supplements Acc  more

Natural Products Association: Supplement Trade Associations Join Reps. LaHood, Boyle, & Curtis to Give Americans Increased Flexibility to Purchase Nutritional Supplements for Better Health
WASHINGTON, July 21 (TNSgov) -- The Natural Products Association issued the following news release on July 20, 2023: The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), Natural Products Association (NPA), and the United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) - organizations representing dietary supplement manufacturers, marketers, and ingredient suppliers - applaud the introduction of the Dietary Supplements Access  more

REJECTED: The Air Conditioning Contractors of America and Rocky Mountain Gas Association Form Alliance
ARLINGTON, Virginia, July 19 (TNSpp) -- The Air Conditioning Contractors of America issued the following news release: The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) and the Rocky Mountain Gas Association (RMGA) are pleased to share that RMGA has become the 22nd Allied Contracting Organization (ACO) to affiliate with ACCA. RMGA promotes the advancement of heating, venting, air conditioning, refrigeration, hearth, and plumbing contractors across Utah and Southwest Wyoming. With this addition  more

The ASLA Fund Announces Awardees of Inaugural National Competitive Research Grants
WASHINGTON, July 20 (TNSres) -- The American Society of Landscape Architects issued the following news release: The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization, has announced $25,000 in national competitive grants. The grant awardees will produce research that outlines evidence of the benefits of landscape architecture solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises. The research will be published on and openly accessible in spring 2024. * * * The  more