Sunday - September 22, 2024
Tipoffs for Albuquerque, New Mexico (Sandia) Newsletter for Sunday June 25, 2023 ( 6 items )  

$27M for Laboratory Astrophysics and Nuclear Fusion, Led by U-M
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, June 21 (TNSfund) -- The University of Michigan issued the following news release: Two Centers of Excellence for studying basic science surrounding how hot plasmas behave, funded by the National Nuclear Security Administration, have been awarded to University of Michigan researchers. One center--which simulates extreme astrophysics, such as exploding stars--is renewed and expanded to $12.5 million over the next five years, having received $5 million in the previous funding  more

Innovative Early-Career Engineers Selected to Participate in The Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering 2023 Symposium of the National Academy of Engineering
WASHINGTON, June 22 -- The National Academy of Engineering issued the following news release on June 21, 2023: Eighty-one highly accomplished early-career engineers have been selected by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) to take part in The Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering 2023 Symposium. Engineers who are performing exceptional research and technical work in a variety of disciplines will come together for the two-and-a-half-day event. The participants - from industry, acade  more

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: DOE Announces Additional Funding for HPC4Energy Innovation Projects
LIVERMORE, California, June 23 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory issued the following news release on June 22, 2023: The Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $3.9 million for 13 public-private partnerships that will apply high performance computing (HPC) to manufacturing processes and advanced materials, including a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) collaboration to decarbonize asphalt production. The awards, representing DOE's fall 202  more

Sandia National Laboratories: Silicon Nose - Small Sensor 'Smells' Incipient Seizures
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, June 21 (TNSres) -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories issued the following news release: * * * Sandia and partners' device detects seizure gases, providing advance warning * * * In people with epilepsy, seizure-alert dogs can smell small changes in body chemistry and warn of an impending seizure an hour or more before it occurs. Inspired by this feat of nature, a team of researchers has sniffed out a way to replicate the ability with techno  more

Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Issues Testimony From Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Clinical Services Scavella
WASHINGTON, June 22 -- The Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee issued the following testimony by Erica Scavella, assistant under secretary for health for clinical services at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration, involving a hearing on June 14, 2023, entitled "Connections to Care: Improving Substance Use Disorder Care for Veterans in Rural America and Beyond": * * * Good morning, Chairman Tester, Ranking Member Moran, and distinguished Members of the Committee.  more

SFPE Foundation Appoints Sean Donohue, Ann Jeffers, Steve Kerber, and Chris LaFleur, to Board of Governors
GAITHERSBURG, Maryland, June 23 (TNSper) -- The Society of Fire Protection Engineers Foundation issued the following news release: The SFPE Foundation, a charitable organization focused on enhancing the scientific understanding of fire and its interaction with the social, natural, and built environments, announces the appointment of four new Governors to its Board of Governors. The new Governors were appointed in May, and include: * Sean Donohue, PE, P.Eng, FSFPE, Vice President, Fire & Li  more