U.S. Patents Awarded to Inventors in Kentucky (Oct. 2)
zPatents (by State)2008-10-02
Targeted News Service
ALEXANDRIA, Va., Oct. 2 -- The following federal patents were awarded to inventors in Kentucky.
TARGETED NEWS SERVICE (founded 2004) features non-partisan 'edited journalism' news briefs and information for news organizations, public policy groups and other organizations. For more information contact MYRON STRUCK, editor, editor@targetednews.com, Springfield, Virginia; 703/304-1897; https://targetednews.com
ALEXANDRIA, Va., Oct. 2 -- The following federal patents were awarded to inventors in Kentucky.
Kentucky Inventor Develops Adjustable Pitch Controller Music Player
For more information about Targeted News Service's products, including its daily federal contract report, please contact: Myron Struck, myron@targetednews.com, Editor, Targeted News Service LLC, Springfield, Va., (Managing Editor/US Bureau, US Fed News - Washington/New Delhi), Direct: 703/866-4708, Cell: 703/304-1897.
TARGETED NEWS SERVICE (founded 2004) features non-partisan 'edited journalism' news briefs and information for news organizations, public policy groups and other organizations. For more information contact MYRON STRUCK, editor, editor@targetednews.com, Springfield, Virginia; 703/304-1897; https://targetednews.com
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