AFSC Commends Biden's Death Penalty Commutations
December 25, 2024
December 25, 2024
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, Dec. 25 -- The American Friends Service Committee issued the following news release on Dec. 24, 2024:
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Quaker org says no one should be sentenced to die in prison
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Today, President Biden commuted the death sentences of 37 people on federal death row. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) - a Quaker organization that has worked for decades to end death sentences - applauded the decision and called fo . . .
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Quaker org says no one should be sentenced to die in prison
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Today, President Biden commuted the death sentences of 37 people on federal death row. The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) - a Quaker organization that has worked for decades to end death sentences - applauded the decision and called fo . . .