Mont. Gov. Gianforte Encourages Support for After-School Arts Education Program
December 12, 2024
December 12, 2024
HELENA, Montana, Dec. 12 -- Gov. Greg Gianforte, R-Montana, issued the following news release on Dec. 11, 2024:
On the eighth day of his 12 Days of Giving campaign, Governor Greg Gianforte today encouraged Montanans to support Bigger Sky Kids, a nonprofit organization providing after-school arts education to children in Wolf Point.
"We want all Montana students to have access to a high-quality education and supportive environment that prepares them well for their f . . .
On the eighth day of his 12 Days of Giving campaign, Governor Greg Gianforte today encouraged Montanans to support Bigger Sky Kids, a nonprofit organization providing after-school arts education to children in Wolf Point.
"We want all Montana students to have access to a high-quality education and supportive environment that prepares them well for their f . . .