Groups Reach Settlement Agreement with Grand Wailea to Protect Endangered Seabirds from Resort Lights
August 08, 2024
August 08, 2024
SAN FRANCISCO, California, Aug. 8 [Category: Environment] -- Earthjustice issued the following news release:
Honolulu, HI Yesterday, conservation groups and the Grand Wailea Resort on Maui reached a settlement agreement to protect endangered Hawaiian petrels (`ua`u) while the resort seeks an incidental take permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The settlement between Conservation Council for Hawai`i and Center for Biological Diversity, represented by Earthjustice, and the . . .
Honolulu, HI Yesterday, conservation groups and the Grand Wailea Resort on Maui reached a settlement agreement to protect endangered Hawaiian petrels (`ua`u) while the resort seeks an incidental take permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The settlement between Conservation Council for Hawai`i and Center for Biological Diversity, represented by Earthjustice, and the . . .