Scott, Moylan Introduce Resolution Recognizing Philippines Independence Day
June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024
WASHINGTON, June 12 -- Rep. Robert C. Scott, D-Virginia, issued the following news release:
As co-chairs of the U.S. Philippines Friendship Caucus, Congressmen Bobby Scott (VA-03) and James Moylan (GU-AL) introduced H.Res.1290 - Recognizing June 12, 2024, as this year's observance of "Philippines Independence Day" and the 126th anniversary. While this resolution recognizes their resiliency and fight for freedom throughout history, it also reaffirms the United States r . . .
As co-chairs of the U.S. Philippines Friendship Caucus, Congressmen Bobby Scott (VA-03) and James Moylan (GU-AL) introduced H.Res.1290 - Recognizing June 12, 2024, as this year's observance of "Philippines Independence Day" and the 126th anniversary. While this resolution recognizes their resiliency and fight for freedom throughout history, it also reaffirms the United States r . . .