1.1 Million Acres in California Protected from Dangerous 'Neonic' Insecticides
June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024
SAN FRANCISCO, California, June 11 [Category: Environment] -- Earthjustice issued the following news release:
Sacramento, CA -- After years of advocacy, the California Fish and Game Commission has finalized a rule in its "Department Lands" regulation package that prohibits the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) from using neonicotinoid pesticides -- often called "neonics" -- on state wildlife refuges and other land under its jurisdiction. The regul . . .
Sacramento, CA -- After years of advocacy, the California Fish and Game Commission has finalized a rule in its "Department Lands" regulation package that prohibits the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) from using neonicotinoid pesticides -- often called "neonics" -- on state wildlife refuges and other land under its jurisdiction. The regul . . .