Planning for the Future: Orange County Works on Growth Blueprint With Orange Code and Vision 2050
April 24, 2024
April 24, 2024
ORLANDO, Florida, April 24 -- Orange County issued the following news:
Anticipating a population increase of 500,000 by 2030, Orange County is rethinking how and where it should grow.
The County's planned overhaul of its land development rules and regulations - known as Orange Code - emphasizes diverse housing options, sustainability and walkable spaces. It also commits to protecting rural and natural places.
The rewrite of its zoning ordinances accomp . . .
Anticipating a population increase of 500,000 by 2030, Orange County is rethinking how and where it should grow.
The County's planned overhaul of its land development rules and regulations - known as Orange Code - emphasizes diverse housing options, sustainability and walkable spaces. It also commits to protecting rural and natural places.
The rewrite of its zoning ordinances accomp . . .