Ford School of Public Policy: Dr. Stange Goes to Washington
September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, Sept. 14 -- The University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy issued the following news:
The Ford School is proud of its record of welcoming policymakers-in-residence. This past year, Ford School professor Kevin Stange played a different role - academic-in-residence. He had a one-year assignment working in the U.S. Department of Education (ED) as a senior advisor to Under Secretary James Kvaal, who had himself been a policymaker-in-resident at the F . . .
The Ford School is proud of its record of welcoming policymakers-in-residence. This past year, Ford School professor Kevin Stange played a different role - academic-in-residence. He had a one-year assignment working in the U.S. Department of Education (ED) as a senior advisor to Under Secretary James Kvaal, who had himself been a policymaker-in-resident at the F . . .