Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management: RI Permanently Protects 575 Acres of Land - Worth $9.5M - By Leveraging Open Space and Farmland Bonds in 2022
December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, Dec. 24 -- The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management issued the following news release on Dec. 23, 2022:
Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announce that the State of Rhode Island has helped permanently protect 575 acres of land by leveraging $3.58 million of voter-approved state bond funds for open space and agricultural land preservation worth $9.59 million in 2022. The now-protected lands, s . . .
Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announce that the State of Rhode Island has helped permanently protect 575 acres of land by leveraging $3.58 million of voter-approved state bond funds for open space and agricultural land preservation worth $9.59 million in 2022. The now-protected lands, s . . .