University of Michigan: White People React Positively To Racial Justice Messages From White Allies
December 02, 2022
December 02, 2022
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, Dec. 2 (TNSjou)-- The University of Michigan issued the following news release:
Social media sites that show a white person sharing a message about racial justice are more likely to convince other white people of the benefits of the cause, but they also limit the visibility of Black activists.
That was the conclusion of a new University of Michigan study that analyzed racial justice messages from Black activists that were shared by whites on Twitter . . .
Social media sites that show a white person sharing a message about racial justice are more likely to convince other white people of the benefits of the cause, but they also limit the visibility of Black activists.
That was the conclusion of a new University of Michigan study that analyzed racial justice messages from Black activists that were shared by whites on Twitter . . .