Grand Valley State University: Hauenstein Speaker - Founding Fathers Grappled With Disillusionment Over Their Young Nation
November 19, 2022
November 19, 2022
ALLENDALE, Michigan, Nov. 19 (TNSsel) -- Grand Valley State University issued the following news on Nov. 18, 2022:
No sooner had the Constitution been ratified than some of the Founding Fathers began to wonder if the republic they established would survive. Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted when he was asked what type of government he and the founders had created.
"A republic, if you can keep it," Franklin said.
Franklin was not alone in his as . . .
No sooner had the Constitution been ratified than some of the Founding Fathers began to wonder if the republic they established would survive. Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted when he was asked what type of government he and the founders had created.
"A republic, if you can keep it," Franklin said.
Franklin was not alone in his as . . .