Mich. Democratic Party: Quick Clip - Bought-And-Paid-For Candidate Tudor Dixon Confirms Her Campaign Is Run By Special Interests
October 06, 2022
October 06, 2022
LANSING, Michigan, Oct. 6 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
DeVos sellout and bought-and-paid-for candidate Tudor Dixon is not trying to hide her campaign's reliance on special interests. In an interview with 9&10 News, she bragged about support from special interests and outside groups in the form of "a lot of ads" and "allies coming in" to prop up her wrong-for-Michigan agenda.
TUDOR DIXON: The campaign is . . .
DeVos sellout and bought-and-paid-for candidate Tudor Dixon is not trying to hide her campaign's reliance on special interests. In an interview with 9&10 News, she bragged about support from special interests and outside groups in the form of "a lot of ads" and "allies coming in" to prop up her wrong-for-Michigan agenda.
TUDOR DIXON: The campaign is . . .