International Press Institute: Guinea-Bissau - 77 Radio Stations Resume Broadcasting After Nearly a Month Off Air
May 06, 2022
May 06, 2022
VIENNA, Austria, May 6 -- The International Press Institute issued the following news:
The IPI global network welcomes the reopening of 77 radio stations in Guinea-Bissau after the government on April 7 suspended their broadcast licenses for non-payment of license fees. However, we remain concerned by the government's abrupt intrusion into the country's radio market, which must be regulated through independent and transparent licensing regimes and processes. We urge author . . .
The IPI global network welcomes the reopening of 77 radio stations in Guinea-Bissau after the government on April 7 suspended their broadcast licenses for non-payment of license fees. However, we remain concerned by the government's abrupt intrusion into the country's radio market, which must be regulated through independent and transparent licensing regimes and processes. We urge author . . .