U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Announces Nearly $80 Million to States for Collaborative Efforts to Conserve Habitat for America's Most Imperiled Species
September 29, 2021
September 29, 2021
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 -- The U.S. Department of the Interior's U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued the following news release on Sept. 28, 2021:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) today announced nearly $79.2 million in grants to help conserve and permanently protect nearly 56,000 acres of habitat for 55 listed and at-risk species across 13 states through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF). The grants will be matched by over $49.3 million in . . .
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) today announced nearly $79.2 million in grants to help conserve and permanently protect nearly 56,000 acres of habitat for 55 listed and at-risk species across 13 states through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF). The grants will be matched by over $49.3 million in . . .