NECC Reaches Back to Original Brown Water Sailor
January 20, 2012
January 20, 2012
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 -- The U.S. Navy issued the following news release:
Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) hosted the Gamewardens Association, Vietnam to Present, to discuss the past and future of the Navy's riverine force, Jan. 12.
Riverine forces, part of NECC, are a combat arms force that deploys anywhere in the world in support of combat operations to establish and maintain control of rivers and waterways for military and civil purposes.
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Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) hosted the Gamewardens Association, Vietnam to Present, to discuss the past and future of the Navy's riverine force, Jan. 12.
Riverine forces, part of NECC, are a combat arms force that deploys anywhere in the world in support of combat operations to establish and maintain control of rivers and waterways for military and civil purposes.
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