Maricopa Community Colleges Puts Price Tag on Free Speech, Ends Up in Court
January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012
PHOENIX, Jan. 18 -- Alliance Defense Fund issued the following news release:
Alliance Defense Fund attorneys asked a federal court Tuesday to immediately halt a Maricopa Community College policy that puts unconstitutional burdens on visitors if they wish to engage in free speech on the Arizona system's campuses. The motion was filed as part of a lawsuit filed on Dec. 29 in which ADF attorneys argue that charging fees, requiring an insurance payment, and demanding a two-week a . . .
Alliance Defense Fund attorneys asked a federal court Tuesday to immediately halt a Maricopa Community College policy that puts unconstitutional burdens on visitors if they wish to engage in free speech on the Arizona system's campuses. The motion was filed as part of a lawsuit filed on Dec. 29 in which ADF attorneys argue that charging fees, requiring an insurance payment, and demanding a two-week a . . .