Thursday - February 13, 2025
*Public Policy Tipoffs Involving New York Newsletter for Monday October 28, 2024 ( 13 items )  

Alfred University Announces $200 Million Campaign
ALFRED, New York, Oct. 28 -- Alfred University issued the following news release on Oct. 26, 2024: On Friday evening (Oct. 25), Alfred University announced a campaign which by 2027 will have raised $200 million. "Realizing Our Promise, The Campaign for Alfred University," was unveiled at a gala ceremony held on campus in the Joyce & Walton Center. "It's so exciting to have all of you here with us to celebrate our commitment to helping students realize their purpose," said Erin Martinovich, vic  more

Asian American Scholar Forum Board Member Elected to the National Academy of Medicine
NEW YORK, Oct. 26 -- Asian American Scholar Forum, an organization that says it promotes academic belonging, openness, freedom and equality for all, issued the following news release: The Asian American Scholar Forum (AASF) is honored to announce that its Board Member Professor Haifan Lin, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). This recognition reflects not only Professor Lin's significant professional achievements but also the growing and historic contributions of Asian Am  more

Baruch College Joins National Campaign to Boost Cyber and Tech Careers
NEW YORK, Oct. 26 -- Baruch College issued the following news: The White House cited Baruch College in its blog post, "Service for America: Cyber Talent is Everywhere and Opportunity Should Be Too," as a partner in a national effort to address the 500,000 unfilled positions in cybersecurity, AI, and technology across the country. In September, the "Service for America" program was launched by The White House Office of the National Cyber Director in collaboration with the Office of Management a  more

Binghamton University: Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
BINGHAMTON, New York, Oct. 26 -- Binghamton University issued the following news: * * * Whose jobs are at risk? The answer is more complicated than you might think * * * For years, workplaces have relied on a certain level of artificial intelligence to perform specific tasks, such as analyzing data, predicting patterns or automating routine processes. The rise of generative AI, which can create new content, has accelerated both business investments and interest from society at large. Rather  more

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Vitamin K Supplement Slows Prostate Cancer in Mice
COLD SPRING HARBOR, New York, Oct. 26 (TNSres) -- The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory issued the following news: Prostate cancer is a quiet killer. In most men, it's treatable. However, in some cases, it resists all known therapies and turns extremely deadly. A new discovery at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) points to a potentially groundbreaking solution. CSHL Professor Lloyd Trotman's lab has found that the pro-oxidant supplement menadione slows prostate cancer progression in mice. The su  more

Council for International Business: Joint Business-Union Declaration Signed at the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor
NEW YORK, Oct. 26 -- The U.S. Council for International Business issued the following news: The US Council for International Business (USCIB) is pleased that labor unions and business have reached a joint political declaration during the XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the Organization of American States, held in Bogota, Colombia. The declaration calls on governments to ensure genuine social dialogue, advance formalization of workers, and strengthen the capacities  more

CUNY Graduate School of Journalism: New Tuition-Free Training Program for Community Media at the Newmark J-School - The AI Community Engagement Lab
NEW YORK, Oct. 26 -- The City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism issued the following news: The Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY is proud to announce the launch of the AI Community Engagement Lab, a new six-month training program designed to empower community journalists with artificial intelligence tools and techniques and enhance audience engagement. This first-of-its-kind initiative is a partnership between J+, the school's professional development arm,   more

Los Angeles County Judge D. Zeke Zeidler to Receive ABA Stonewall Award
CHICAGO, Illinois, Oct. 24 -- The American Bar Association issued the following news release: The American Bar Association Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity will honor Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge D. Zeke Zeidler with its Stonewall Award during the annual awards reception from 5:30-7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1 2025, at the ABA Midyear Meeting at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona. Named after the New York City Stonewall Inn police raid and riot of   more

Newhouse School: NSF Grant to Engage Refugee and Immigrant Youth in Immersive STEM Storytelling
SYRACUSE, New York, Oct. 26 -- Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communications issued the following news: Newhouse faculty Nick Bowman and Dan Pacheco are part of the interdisciplinary team assisting with the project, led by School of Education Professor Xiaoxia "Silvie" Huang. School of Education Professor Xiaoxia "Silvie" Huang has been awarded a nearly $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for an Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST  more

Resources for the Future: 'Air Quality Impacts of New York State Cap-Trade-and-Invest Design'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 (TNSres) -- Resources for the Future issued the following issue brief (No. xxx) on Oct. 17, 2024 by Eunice Ko, Alan Krupnick, Eddie Bautista, Wesley Look and Molly Robertson entitled "Air Quality Impacts of New York State Cap-Trade-and-Invest Design." Here is the introduction: * * * The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and the New York Governor are currently finalizing draft reg  more

Skin Cancer Foundation Research Grants Program Announces 2024 Funding to Three Early Career Investigators in Dermatology
NEW YORK, Oct. 26 (TNSres) -- The Skin Cancer Foundation issued the following news release: * * * The Skin Cancer Foundation Research Grants program is designed to help early career investigators find new approaches related to the prevention, detection and treatment of all types of skin cancer. This year, our committee has chosen three awardees to receive grants totaling $125,000. Since 1983, when the program began, it has funded more than $2 million in research grants, many for ideas that led  more

Staworzynska Elected First Vice President of the Business Group at the Organization of American States
NEW YORK, Oct. 26 -- The U.S. Council for International Business issued the following news: Ewa Staworzynska, USCIB Director for Corporate Responsibility and Labor Affairs, has been elected as First Vice President of the Business Technical Advisory Committee on Labor Matters (CEATAL), the permanent consultative body of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML), thus representing business and employers at the Organization of American States (OAS). CEATAL advises inter-governm  more

UB Launching New Summer STEM Program for Refugee and Underprivileged Teens in Buffalo
BUFFALO, New York, Oct. 26 -- The University at Buffalo (State University of New York) issued the following news release: * * * NSF $1 million grant funds 3-year program that focuses on emerging technologies * * * U.S. businesses often lament a dearth of workers who possess the necessary expertise in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), not to mention emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. And the situation is only predicted to worsen. Accordin  more