Friday - March 14, 2025
U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving Minnesota Newsletter for Thursday July 25, 2024 ( 6 items )  

Congresswoman McCollum Statement following Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech to Congress
WASHINGTON, July 24 -- Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minnesota, issued the following news release: Congresswoman Betty McCollum (MN04) released this statement following Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech to Congress Today's speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was outrageous. He disrespected his role as a foreign leader speaking before a joint session of Congress. He used the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to make blatantly political attacks on American citizens who disagree  more

Finstad Leads Letter Urging Biden Administration to Finalize Farmer-Friendly Guidance for 45Z Biofuel Tax Credit
WASHINGTON, July 24 -- Rep. Brad Finstad, R-Minnesota, issued the following news release: Congressman Brad Finstad (MN-01) led a bipartisan, bicameral letter with 51 of his colleagues urging U.S. Department of the Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to provide farmers and biofuel producers with certainty by finalizing the rules to implement the Section 45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit. "The 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit represents a critical opportunity to spur growth of America's domestic bio  more

Following Sen. Klobuchar Calls for Change, CDC Delays Burdensome Dog Importation Regulation
WASHINGTON, July 25 -- Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minnesota, issued the following statement on July 24, 2024: * * * U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) released the statement below after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a modification in new rules for bringing a dog into the U.S. The CDC was set to require travelers bringing a dog into the U.S. to provide numerous certifications for each entry, even from a rabies-free country like Canada. With the new announcement, the C  more

Rep. Emmer Awarded Charles Dick Medal of Merit by National Guard Association of U.S.
WASHINGTON, July 25 -- Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minnesota, issued the following news release: Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) has been announced as a recipient of the Charles Dick Medal of Merit, presented by the National Guard Association of the United States, for his continued support of the Minnesota National Guard. "From supporting civilian rescue and disaster relief missions at home to defending American ideals around the world, Minnesotans are safer thanks to the men and women of the National Gua  more

Rep. Omar's Statement on Benjamin Netanyahu's Address to Congress
WASHINGTON, July 24 -- Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota, issued the following news release: Today, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) released the following statement on Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress: "I will not be attending Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. "It is utterly immoral and cruel to the millions of lives impacted by his catastrophic actions to platform him, let alone give him the honor of addressing Congress. He is a war criminal who is actively committing genocide against the   more

Rep. Phillips Issues Statement on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Address to Joint Session of Congress
WASHINGTON, July 25 -- Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minnesota, issued the following statement on July 24, 2024: * * * Rep. Dean Phillips, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, issued the following statement in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to a Joint Session of Congress: "In his address to Congress, Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke about the threat that Iran and its terror proxies pose not only to   more