Sunday - September 15, 2024
Bill Introductions Involving New Jersey Newsletter for Sunday June 30, 2024 ( 19 items )  

Rep. Bonamici Introduces Resolution to Support Goals of National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore., introduced a resolution on May 16, 2024. The text of the resolution was released on June 25. H. Res. 1233. A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee co  more

Rep. Calvert Introduces Israel Security Assistance Support Act
WASHINGTON, June 25 -- Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Calif., introduced the "Israel Security Assistance Support Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 24. H.R. 8369. A bill to provide for the expeditious delivery of defense articles and defense services for Israel and other matters; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and Intelligence (Permanent Select), for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case f  more

Rep. Caraveo Introduces Latino Youth Mental Health Empowerment Act
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo., introduced the "Latino Youth Mental Health Empowerment Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8376. A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for a national awareness and outreach campaign to improve mental health among the Hispanic and Latino youth population; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The bill is cosponsored by Reps. Tony Cardenas, D-Calif., Grace F. Napolitano, D-Calif., Andr  more

Rep. Caraveo Introduces Strengthening Our Pediatric Mental Health Workforce Act
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo., introduced the "Strengthening Our Pediatric Mental Health Workforce Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8375. A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to issue guidance to States on strategies under Medicaid and CHIP to increase pediatric mental and behavioral health provider education, training, recruitment, retention, and support, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and  more

Rep. Caraveo Introduces Youth Suicide Prevention Research Act
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo., introduced the "Youth Suicide Prevention Research Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8377. A bill to amend the Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act to expand the areas of focus regarding childhood suicide, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The bill is cosponsored by Reps. Brandon Williams, R-N.Y., Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, S  more

Rep. Craig Introduces Resolution to Recognize National Public Works Week
WASHINGTON, June 27 -- Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., introduced a resolution on May 21, 2024. The text of the resolution was released on June 26. H. Res. 1245. A resolution recognizing "National Public Works Week"; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The resolution is cosponsored by Reps. Dina Titus, D-Nev., and Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J. * * * Recognizing "National Public Works Week". Whereas public works professionals and public works first responders work around the clock to e  more

Rep. Gottheimer Introduces Enhancing Transparency From Airlines Act
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., introduced the "Enhancing Transparency From Airlines Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8379. A bill to codify certain rules issued by the Secretary of Transportation relating to airline fare transparency, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The bill is cosponsored by Reps. Robert Menendez Jr., D-N.J., and Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz. * * * SECTION 1. Short title.   more

Rep. Kim Introduces Better Utilizing Infrastructure for Lasting Development of Veterans Businesses Act
WASHINGTON, June 24 -- Rep. Andrew Kim, D-N.J., introduced the "Better Utilizing Infrastructure for Lasting Development of Veterans Businesses Act" on May 10, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 23. H.R. 8357. A bill to provide that not less than 3 percent of the amounts made available for certain Federal-aid highway programs shall be expended through veteran owned small business concerns, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The bill is co  more

Rep. Lawler Introduces American Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act
WASHINGTON, June 27 -- Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., introduced the "American Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act" on May 16, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 26. H.R. 8419. A bill to amend the Justice for United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Act to provide funding for United States victims of state-sponsored terrorism by ensuring consistent and meaningful distributions from the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund, and for other purposes; to the Co  more

Rep. Luna Introduces Resolution to Recognize Importance of National Safe Boating Week
WASHINGTON, June 27 -- Rep. Anna P. Luna, R-Fla., introduced a resolution on May 21, 2024. The text of the resolution was released on June 26. H. Res. 1247. A resolution recognizing the importance of "National Safe Boating Week"; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The resolution is cosponsored by Reps. Randy Weber, R-Texas, Russell Fry, R-S.C., Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., Chris Smith, R-N.J., and Don Davis, D-N.C. * * * Recognizing the importance of "National Safe Boating Week  more

Rep. Mace Introduces Resolution on Rule on Clarifying Eligibility of DACA Recipients
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., introduced a resolution on May 16, 2024. The text of the resolution was released on June 25. H.J. Res. 146. A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services relating to "Clarifying the Eligibility of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Recipients and Certain Other Noncitizens for a Qualified Health Plan through   more

Rep. McCaul Introduces Maintaining Our Ironclad Commitment to Israel's Security Act
WASHINGTON, June 29 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, introduced the "Maintaining Our Ironclad Commitment to Israel's Security Act" on May 16, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 28. H.R. 8437. A bill to provide for congressional oversight of proposed changes to arms sales to Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Rules, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall wit  more

Rep. Molinaro Introduces College Antisemitism Transparency Act
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Marcus Molinaro, R-N.Y., introduced the "College Antisemitism Transparency Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8389. A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require institutions of higher education to report to the Secretary of Education each incident of antisemitism reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on Ove  more

Rep. Moore Introduces Mental Health & Making Access More Affordable Act
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., introduced the "Mental Health and Making Access More Affordable Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8390. A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require that group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group or individual health insurance that provide coverage for mental health services and substan  more

Rep. Sherrill Introduces Defense Information Sharing Review & Regional Tailoring Act
WASHINGTON, June 24 -- Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J., introduced the "Defense Information Sharing Review and Regional Tailoring Act" on May 2, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 6. H.R. 8237. A bill to require a report relating to the provision of certain information in connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting conflict, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and Intelligence (Permanent  more

Rep. Sherrill Introduces Improving Mental Healthcare in the Re-Entry System Act
WASHINGTON, June 26 -- Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J., introduced the "Improving Mental Healthcare in the Re-Entry System Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8397. A bill to provide funding to the Bureau of Prisons, States, and localities to carry out mental health screenings and provide referrals to mental healthcare providers for individuals in prison or jail; to the Committee on the Judiciary. * * * SECTION 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the "Im  more

Rep. Smith Introduces Bill to Extend Authorities to Impose Sanctions Under Laws Relating to Hong Kong
WASHINGTON, June 24 -- Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., introduced legislation on May 10, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 23. H.R. 8366. A bill to extend authorities to impose sanctions under certain laws relating to Hong Kong, Tibet, and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within   more

Rep. Smith Introduces Sean & David Goldman Act Amendments
WASHINGTON, June 24 -- Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., introduced the "Sean and David Goldman Act Amendments" on May 10, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 23. H.R. 8365. A bill to amend the Sean and David Goldman International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act of 2014 to make modifications to that Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. * * * SECTION 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the "Sean and David Goldman Act Amendments". SEC. 2. Definitions. SEC. 3. Action i  more

Rep. Thompson Introduces Rights for the Transportation Security Administration Workforce Act
WASHINGTON, June 25 -- Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, D-Miss., introduced the "Rights for the Transportation Security Administration Workforce Act" on May 14, 2024. The text of the bill was released on June 25. H.R. 8370. A bill to enhance the security operations of the Transportation Security Administration and stability of the transportation security workforce by applying the personnel system under title 5, United States Code, to employees of the Transportation Security Administration, and for othe  more