Friday - September 20, 2024
State Tipoffs Involving Arizona Newsletter for Thursday June 20, 2024 ( 6 items )  

ACA Statement On Five Year Reauthorization From Governor, Legislature
PHOENIX, Arizona, June 19 -- The Arizona Commerce Authority issued the following statement on June 18, 2024: * * * President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) Sandra Watson released the following statement after passage by the Arizona Legislature and signature from the Governor of legislation to reauthorize the ACA through 2029. "We are so grateful for the strong bipartisan support among our state's leaders. This legislation is a huge win for Arizonans and our economy - allowing  more

Ariz. A.G. Mayes Releases Statement on Rulings in Cochise County Election Interference Case
PHOENIX, Arizona, June 19 -- Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes issued the following statement on June 18, 2024: * * * Attorney General Kris Mayes released the following statement in response to rulings in the election interference case brought against Cochise County Supervisors Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby: Today, Maricopa County Judge Geoffrey Fish denied motions by Cochise County Supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd to dismiss the charges against them or to send the matter back to the Grand  more

Governor Katie Hobbs Legislative Action Update
PHOENIX, Arizona, June 19 -- Gov. Katie Hobbs, D-Arizona, issued the following news release on June 18, 2024: Today, Governor Katie Hobbs took the following legislative action: * * * Signed SB1677, Firefighters; Peace Officers; PTSD; Therapy HB2091, agency continuations; technical registration; contractors HB2209, industrial commission of Arizona; continuations HB2210, state agencies; continuations; duties HB2378, continuation; PSPRS HB2438, ADOT; continuation; administration; licensing  more

Hobbs Marks 'Pride Month' by Denying Necessary Medical Treatment for Growing Number of Detransitioners
PHOENIX, Arizona, June 19 -- The Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus issued the following news release: Governor Katie Hobbs is aiding doctors and insurance companies taking advantage of a vulnerable population by vetoing SB 1511 today, which would have ensured equal healthcare treatment for children and adults suffering from the lifelong consequences of gender-altering drugs. SB 1511, sponsored by Senator Janae Shamp, would have required insurers and providers of gender-altering drugs and   more

Horne Effort to Reduce Red Tape for Teachers Succeeds With Lawmakers
PHOENIX, Arizona, June 19 -- Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne issued the following news release: State schools chief Tom Horne says the newly-passed state budget includes a change that he has long sought: the elimination of the Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) program, which many educators consider an unnecessary bureaucratic requirement and a waste of classroom time. Horne said, "One of my 16 initiatives to raise academic results is to reduce paperwork for teachers. L  more

Mohave Community College Breaks Ground On Future48 Workforce Accelerator In Kingman
KINGMAN, Arizona, June 20 -- The Arizona Commerce Authority issued the following news on June 18, 2024: Mohave Community College (MCC) launched a new era for the college and the region today with a groundbreaking ceremony for the Future48 Workforce Accelerator, the Advanced Manufacturing Training Center (AMTC) in Kingman, Arizona. The event took place at the future home of the AMTC at the Kingman Airport & Industrial Park. The Arizona Commerce Authority, local government, and AMTC industry par  more