Monday - October 21, 2024
U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving Florida Newsletter for Thursday May 23, 2024 ( 23 items )  

Bilirakis Invites Local Veterans to Attend Resource Fair
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Springhill, FL: Congressman Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) is hosting his annual Veterans Resource Fair for local Veterans and their families to learn more about the benefits and opportunities available to them in the community. This free event will include information about Veterans claims services, healthcare, education benefits, alternative therapies, employment opportunities, housing programs, social services  more

Bilirakis Joins Growing Group of Lawmakers Fighting to Strengthen Tracking of Illegal Aliens Prior to Deportation
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis, R-Florida, issued the following news release: As President Biden's lax border policies continue to allow an invasion of illegal aliens through the nation's southern border, U.S. Congressman Gus Bilirakis has joined a growing group of lawmakers who are fighting back by co-authoring the Reshape ATF Act. The legislation requires detention beds to be fully utilized (no catch-and-release); eliminates two federal programs that funnel taxpayer dollars to pa  more

Congresista Salazar insta al presidente Biden a incluir a Argentina en la iniciativa APEP
WASHINGTON, May 21 -- Rep. Maria Salazar, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Hoy, la presidenta del Subcomite del Hemisferio Occidental, la congresista Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL), envio una carta al presidente Biden instandolo a incluir a Argentina en la lista de paises que integran la iniciativa de la Administracion para aumentar el compromiso en la region: la Asociacion de las Americas para la Prosperidad Economica (APEP, por sus siglas en ingles). Argentina no solo ha demostrado  more

Congressman Carlos Gimenez Demands Answers From DHS Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Today, Congressman Carlos Gimenez (FL-28) sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas and TSA Administrator Pekoske on a recent trip by agents of the Castro Dictatorship to sensitive facilities at Miami International Airport. Rep. Gimenez was joined by Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26), and Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27). Congressman Carlos Gi  more

House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness Chairman Waltz Issues Opening Statement At Full Committee Markup Of FY25 NDAA
WASHINGTON, May 23 -- Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Florida, chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness, issued the following news release: U.S. Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Readiness, delivered the following opening statement at the full committee markup for H.R. 8070, the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement Act and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25). Rep. Waltz's remarks as prepared for delivery: Thank you, Mr.  more

ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox and Friends
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, issued the following news release: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Fox and Friends to discuss pro-Hamas protesters disrupting congressional proceedings, the senator's op-ed on terrorists crossing the border, and the Biden Administration's too-little, too-late interest in protecting our southern border. Watch the full interview on YouTube and Rumble. On Code Pink's disruption of congressional proceedings: "Nothing happens to these peopl  more

ICYMI: Rubio: Help Ecuador Defeat Gangs
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, issued the following news release: How the United States can help Ecuador defeat narco-terrorism U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) May 22, 2024 Voz Media ...[A] wave of gang violence...has struck [Ecuador].... The Ecuadorian government is doing everything in its power to stem the mayhem.... [T]he United States and the international community more broadly can and should offer their support. The reason for this is simple: Ecuador's central lo  more

PHOTOS: Castor Celebrates Congressional Art Competition Winner with Classmates Following Graduation
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Florida, issued the following news release: ST. PETERSBURG, FL - U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-14) congratulated the 2024 District 14 Congressional Art Competition winner, Marcus Rideout, a recent Gibbs graduate and salutatorian, ahead of his artwork presentation in the U.S. Capitol in June. "The Pinellas County Center for the Arts (PCCA) at Gibbs High School trains talented students who are interested in pursuing an arts profession, as well as those in  more

Por Si Se Lo Perdio: Rubio sobre la Importancia de Respaldar a Ecuador
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Como EE.UU. puede ayudar a Ecuador a derrotar el narcoterrorismo 22 de mayo del 2024 Voz Media ... ...A principios de este ano, el mundo vio con horror como un grupo de pandilleros se tomaron una estacion de television en Ecuador en plena transmision en vivo. Desde entonces, en Ecuador han ocurrido alrededor de 2,000 homicidios mas. ...El presidente Daniel Noboa ha declarado dos estados de emergencia des  more

Rep. Webster Votes to Improve Oversight of Federal Prison System
WASHINGTON, May 23 -- Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Florida, issued the following news release on May 22, 2024: Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, yesterday voted to pass H.R. 3019, the Federal Prison Oversight Act, legislation that establishes a new, independent oversight for the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). "With historically limited oversight, the Bureau of Prisons has for too long suffered from fraud, abuse, unchecked crimes," said Rep. Webster. "With one of the largest federal p  more

Reps. Castor, Trahan Urge Instagram to Abandon "Friend Map" Feature
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Florida, issued the following news release: Reps. Kathy Castor (FL-14) and Lori Trahan (MA-03) wrote to Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri to express deep concerns with the social media platform's development and future launch of the "Friend Map" feature. This feature would allow users to see their friends' locations in real time, putting young users' privacy and safety at risk. "It is paramount that social media platforms such as Instagram keep privacy, saf  more

Rubio, Gimenez y Colegas a Funcionarios de Biden Tras Visita de Miembros del Regimen Cubano a MIA: "han Hecho que los Norteamericanos se Sientan Menos Seguros"
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Por una invitacion de la Administracion Biden, miembros del regimen criminal e ilegitimo de Cuba visitaron las instalaciones de la Administracion de Seguridad del Transporte (TSA, por sus siglas en ingles) del Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami (MIA, por sus siglas en ingles), uno de los aeropuertos mas transitados de EE.UU. El recorrido supuestamente le permitio a los miembros del regimen acceder a areas sensi  more

Rubio, Gimenez, and Colleagues to Biden Officials About Members of Cuban Regime at MIA: "You Have Made Americans Less Safe"
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, issued the following news release: At the invitation of the Biden Administration, members of the criminal and illegitimate Cuban regime toured Transportation Security Administration facilities (TSA) facilities at Miami International Airport (MIA), one of our nation's busiest airports. The tour purportedly allowed members of the regime access to sensitive screening areas. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), U.S. Representative Carlos Gimenez and F  more

Rubio, Hawley Denounce McKinsey's Book Advising "Made in China 2025"
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, issued the following news release: A McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) led think tank, the Urban China Initiative, produced a report to inform the People's Republic of China's (PRC) 13th Five-Year Plan and "Made in China 2025" industrial strategy. The 300-page book, first reported by Financial Times, further documents the close ties between McKinsey, a recipient of many federal contracts, and the Chinese government. The report details how the McKin  more

Rubio, Smith, Scott Introduce Bill to Address Senior Loneliness
WASHINGTON, May 21 -- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, issued the following news release: In Florida and across the country, a growing number of senior citizens are suffering from mental and physical health issues, largely driven by an epidemic of loneliness. Despite public health officials sounding the alarm, the issue has not yet been addressed through any major legislation. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tina Smith (D-MN), and Rick Scott (R-FL) introduced the Social Engagement and Network I  more

Salazar Urges President Biden to Include Argentina in APEP Initiative
WASHINGTON, May 21 -- Rep. Maria Salazar, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Today, Western Hemisphere Subcommittee Chairwoman Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) sent a letter to President Biden urging him to include Argentina in the list of countries that make up the Administration's initiative to increase engagement in the region: the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP). Argentina has not only demonstrated its willingness to partner with the United States on economic matt  more

Scott Calls Out Florida's Mismanagement of Taxpayer Dollars
WASHINGTON, May 21 -- Rep. Robert C. Scott, D-Virginia, issued the following news release: As originally released by the Committee on Education and the Workforce, Democrats Today, Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03) received a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing how Florida's mismanagement of federal funds jeopardized the economic security of vulnerable Floridians. The report also details how Florida misspent nearly 700 million taxpayer dollar  more

Sen. Rick Scott Demands Accountability from VA for Misusing Taxpayer Dollars
WASHINGTON, May 21 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Today, Senator Rick Scott joined Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and their Republican colleagues in sending a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) demanding the repayment of nearly $11 million in unjustified bonuses that were distributed to senior executives within the VA and calling for the immediate dismissal of the responsible officials. The letter is cosigned by U.S. Senators Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala  more

Sen. Rick Scott Joins GOP Colleagues for Press Conference to Slam Schumer's Open Border Bill
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Today, Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and their GOP colleagues to hold a press conference pushing back on Chuck Schumer's plan to bring an immigration bill to the Senate floor after Senate Republicans rejected this proposal back in February because it would codify President Biden and Democrats' illegal immigration and open border agenda. Senator Rick Scott said, "Everyone knows Sc  more

Sen. Rick Scott Sends Open Letter to University Presidents: You Have a Responsibility to Root Out Evil Antisemitism on Your Campuses
WASHINGTON, May 21 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Today, Senator Scott wrote an open letter to the presidents of U.S. universities following the series of antisemitic events and violence on college and university campuses across the country. Senator Scott has been very clear that what happened on American campuses recently is not only unacceptable, but universities have a responsibility to root out the evil antisemitism and protect their students at all times.  more

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio & Tina Smith Introduce Bill to Address Senior Loneliness
WASHINGTON, May 22 -- Sen. Rick Scott, R-Florida, issued the following news release: Senator Rick Scott, a member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, and Senators Marco Rubio and Tina Smith introduced the Social Engagement and Network Initiatives for Older Relief (SENIOR) Act to address senior loneliness. In Florida and across the country, a growing number of senior citizens are suffering from mental and physical health issues, largely driven by an epidemic of loneliness. Despite pub  more

Webster Cosponsors Legislation to Sanction ICC Officials for Illegitimate Warrants
WASHINGTON, May 23 -- Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Florida, issued the following statement on May 22, 2024: * * * Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, released the following statement after cosponsoring H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act to impose sanctions on International Criminal Court (ICC) officials who target U.S. citizens, or allies of the U.S. who are not part of the ICC. "This legislation is about protecting the sovereignty of the United States and our allies wh  more

Webster Votes to Pass Bill Providing Tax Relief for Disaster Victims
WASHINGTON, May 23 -- Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Florida, issued the following statement on May 22, 2024: * * * Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, released the following statement after voting to pass H.R. 5863, the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act, legislation provide tax relief for individuals impacted by hurricanes and other federally declared disasters. "Florida is no stranger to the devastating effects of hurricanes and natural disasters," said Rep. Webster. "Tax relief for Ameri  more