Tuesday - March 4, 2025
Tipoffs for Greenville, South Carolina (textiles) Newsletter for Sunday February 04, 2024 ( 7 items )  

BMA Opens 50-Year Retrospective of Boundary-Breaking Artist Joyce J. Scott on March 24
BALTIMORE, Maryland, Feb. 2 -- The Baltimore Museum of Art issued the following news release on Feb. 1, 2024: On March 24, the Baltimore Museum of Art (BMA) will open the 50-year career retrospective of artist Joyce J. Scott (b. 1948, Baltimore, MD), encompassing the full range and depth of her prolific and genre-defying practice. Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams features nearly 140 works from the 1970s to the present--including sculpture, jewelry, textiles, artwear garments, performanc  more

C&EN Global Enterprise Issues Research Articles in Jan. 29, 2024 Edition
WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 -- CandEN Global Enterprise, a peer-reviewed journal from the American Chemical Society, published research articles on the following topics in its Jan. 29, 2024, edition (Vol. 102, Issue 3): SCIENCE CONCENTRATES: * Microplastic shape affects travel distance * Method maps chemistry, not just chemicals * Life on the blockchain * Competition finds Parkinson's drug leads * Robot assistant optimizes photochemistry * A paclitaxel puzzle piece BUSINESS CONCENTRATES: * Ch  more

Congressional Research Service: 'Generalized System of Preferences - Overview & Issues for Congress' (Part 1 of 2)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. RL33663) on Nov. 22, 2023, entitled "Generalized System of Preferences: Overview and Issues for Congress" by international trade and finance analyst Anne A. Riddle. Here are excerpts: * * * Summary The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program provided nonreciprocal, duty-free tariff treatment to certain products imported to the United States from designated beneficiary developing c  more

Congressional Research Service: 'Generalized System of Preferences - Overview & Issues for Congress' (Part 2 of 2)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. RL33663) on Nov. 22, 2023, entitled "Generalized System of Preferences: Overview and Issues for Congress:" (Continued from Part 1 of 2) * * * Eligible Products The Trade Act of 1974 authorized the President to designate certain imports as eligible for duty-free treatment under GSP after receiving advice from the ITC./70 "Import-sensitive" products specifically excluded from preferential treat  more

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Announce Summer and Fall 2024 Exhibitions
SAN FRANCISCO, California, Feb. 1 -- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco issued the following news release on Jan. 31, 2024: * * * Highlights Include Solo Exhibitions of Women Artists * * * The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco today announced its exciting lineup of summer and fall 2024 special exhibitions, which emphasize the groundbreaking works of historic and contemporary women artists. Presented at the de Young and Legion of Honor museums, the season will feature new insights into the   more

This week with NSF Director Panchanathan
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 (TNSres) -- The National Science Foundation issued the following news release: NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan has just concluded several days filled with impactful activities. Highlights included joining first lady Dr. Jill Biden in North Carolina to announce two of the first-ever NSF Regional Innovation Engines, leading a media briefing for the official launch of the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot, and traveling to India to attend the   more

White House Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Innovation Engines Awards, Catalyzing More Than $530 Million to Boost Economic Growth and Innovation in Communities Across America
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 (TNSres) -- The White House issued the following fact sheet on Jan. 29, 2024: * * * Biden-Harris Administration Announces Innovation Engines Awards, Catalyzing More Than $530 Million to Boost Economic Growth and Innovation in Communities Across America Today, the White House announced 10 U.S. regions that are emerging as innovation ecosystems and receiving over $530 million of investment catalyzed by the U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) Regional Innovation Engines  more