Sunday - June 2, 2024
Politics: President Lyndon B. Johnson Newsletter for Sunday September 09, 2018 ( 2 items )  

Reporter at Kennedy Assassination, LBJ Oath Sid Davis to Speak Today
LEXINGTON, Kentucky, Sept. 4 -- The University of Kentucky issued the following news: A journalist in the reporter pool when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and who was selected to cover the swearing in of President Lyndon B. Johnson aboard Air Force One is the featured speaker at the inaugural Earle C. Clements Lecture-Symposium today (Sept. 4). Presented by University of Kentucky Libraries Wendell H. Ford Public Policy Research Center, the free public talk by Sid Davis will begin 4  more

Sen. Hollen Pays Tribute to Ex-IRS Commissioner Cohen
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 -- Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, issued the following statement, which was published in the Congressional Record on Sept. 6, paying tribute to Sheldon S. Cohen, ex-commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service: Mr. President, I wish to pay tribute to my constituent and dear friend, Sheldon S. Cohen, who passed away earlier this week. Sheldon Cohen left an extraordinary legacy of accomplishment and service to our country. A proud native Washingtonian and graduate of DC p  more