Sunday - June 2, 2024
Politics: Democratic Party Newsletter for Sunday September 09, 2018 ( 57 items )  

2018 Post-Labor Day Campaign Update
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 -- The National Republican Congressional Committee issued the following memo: MEMO: To: House Republican Campaigns From: Matt Gorman, NRCC Communications Director RE: 2018 Update Summer is over and the final stretch of the 2018 campaign is underway. House Democrats claim to have the largest battlefield they've ever had, but - as current outside spending would indicate - what we see now is a district battleground that is almost exactly what many expected in January 2017.  more

A Year Since Trump Ended DACA, Laxalt Has Done Nothing to Keep Families Together
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 5 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: Today marks one year since Pres. Trump unilaterally decided to rescind DACA. While attorneys general across the country swiftly responded for or against Trump's move, Republican attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt has stayed silent for an entire year, taking zero action to protect Nevada's 13,000 DACA beneficiaries from deportation. For the attorney general representing a state w  more

Affordable Care Act Trial Begins, Hardy & Tarkanian Continue to Oppose Health Care Protections
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 5 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: Today oral arguments begin in a Republican-led challenge to the Affordable Care Act. The case, Texas v. Azar, could decide the future of protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and make it more difficult for Americans to access health care plans in an open market. The case is being heard in Federal District Court in Texas. Republican candidates in Nevada's two most competitive House races  more

After Putting Women at Risk, Brian Kemp Blames... Governor Nathan Deal?
ATLANTA, Georgia, Sept. 6 -- The Georgia Democratic Party issued the following news release: Throughout his deceptive and misleading campaign for Governor, Brian Kemp has continued to run away from his abysmal record of putting Georgians at risk, even throwing Governor Nathan Deal under the bus. As Secretary of State, Kemp's job was to oversee professional licenses, including those of massage therapists. But instead of putting our safety first, his office ignored 96% of sexual assault complaint  more

As Lawsuit to Gut Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions Starts, MDP & Dana Nessel Slam Schuette for Refusing to Defend Healthcare for Michigan Families
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 5 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release: As oral arguments are starting today for a lawsuit to eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions, the Michigan Democratic Party and Democratic Candidate for Attorney General Dana Nessel held a press call to slam Bill Schuette for refusing to defend healthcare for Michigan families. In particular, the lawsuit at the center of today's arguments--Texas v. United States--is designed to  more

As SCOTUS Hearings Begin, Heller Has Already Decided to Rubber Stamp Trump's Pick
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 4 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: As hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh begin today in Washington, Nevadans will be reminded again that Sen. Dean Heller has blindly embraced President Trump's unpopular choice for a lifetime appointment on the nation's highest court. The day after Trump announced his nomination, Heller said he liked what he saw. Heller briefly met with Kavanaugh in July and then immediately declared tha  more

Baldwin to Headline New Hampshire Democratic Party Roosevelt Dinner
CONCORD, New Hampshire, Sept. 6 -- The New Hampshire Democratic Party issued the following news release: The New Hampshire Democratic Party today announced Alec Baldwin as this year's keynote speaker at the inaugural Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner. The dinner will take place on Sunday, October 14, at 5:00 p.m. at the Manchester Downtown Hotel. "We're seeing Democrats gain momentum in New Hampshire and across the country, and we're thrilled to have our special guest speaker join us as we continue to   more

Bridge Magazine's 'Truth Squad' Confirms Accuracy of MDP Attacks on Schuette's Record on Pre-Existing Health Conditions
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 6 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release: As Bill Schuette tries to hide from his disastrous record on healthcare, Bridge Magazine's "Truth Squad" is rating the Michigan Democratic Party's claims about Schuette's record of trying to rip healthcare away from people with pre-existing health conditions as "Fair." Bridge Magazine says a "Fair" rating means: "The ad or statement is generally accurate and fairly and credibly presents the speaker's  more

Buehler Record in Lockstep With GOP Attack on Health Care, Choice
SALEM, Oregon, Sept. 5 -- The Oregon Democratic Party issued the following news release: With the fate of the Affordable Care Act at risk in federal courts and access to safe, legal abortion threatened under President Trump's appointments to the Supreme Court, the Democratic Party of Oregon is again reminding voters of what's at stake in this upcoming election. "Voters have a choice between Governor Kate Brown, who stands up and defends Oregonians' right to health care, and Knute Buehler, who  more

Cegavske Talks the Talk But Refuses to Walk the Walk
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 5 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: With National Voter Registration Month officially kicking off over the weekend, Republican Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske took the opportunity to try and deceive Nevadans about her record on helping eligible voters gain access to the voting booth. Instead, it serves as a good reminder of Cegavske's long history of trying to make it harder for Nevadans to vote. Let's take a trip down memory lane:   more

Count the Ways: Vukmir Opposes Pre-Existing Condition Protections
MADISON, Wisconsin, Sept. 6 -- The Wisconsin Democratic Party issued the following news: Despite facing increasing criticism over her support for multiple efforts to gut vital protections for Wisconsinites who have pre-existing conditions, Republican Senate candidate Leah Vukmir continues to back multiple efforts to strike down pre-existing coverage protections that 75 percent of Americans say are "very important," according to a just-released poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation. "Facts ar  more

Democracy for America Issues Statement on Pressley Massachusetts Primary Win
BURLINGTON, Vermont, Sept. 4 -- Democracy for America issued the following statement by Chair Jim Dean on Ayanna Pressley's primary win in Massachusetts 7th congressional district: "Ayanna Pressley's remarkable victory tonight is a testament to the strength of the grassroots movement she built, and an important reflection of the generational, multiracial inclusive populist transformation that's happening in the Democratic Party right now all across the country. "A fearless fighter for Boston's  more

Democratic Party of Georgia Demands Brian Kemp, Baldwin County Comply With State and Federal Law, Immediately Stop Illegal Voter Registration Requirements
BALDWIN COUNTY, Georgia, Sept. 7 -- The Georgia Democratic Party issued the following news release: Today, the Democratic Party of Georgia demanded that the Baldwin County Registrar's Office comply with state and federal law and immediately cease the illegal practice of requiring photo identification to accompany every voter registration application. The Democratic Party of Georgia also demanded that Brian Kemp follow suit, do his job, and hold Baldwin County and other counties refusing to com  more

DFA Backs O'Rourke for Senate in Texas, Bell (TX-14), Haaland (NM-1), Scholten (IA-4) for Congress
BURLINGTON, Vermont, Sept. 7 -- Democracy for America issued the following news release: Today, Democracy for America (DFA) announced its endorsements of Beto O'Rourke for United States Senate in Texas and Adrienne Bell (TX-14), Deb Haaland (NM-1), and J.D. Scholten (IA-4) for the United States House of Representatives. All four are running bold, inclusive populist campaigns that place their support for Medicare for All, in particular, at the center of their campaigns. Democracy for America is  more

Does Moody Support LePage-Backed Lawsuit Aimed at Gutting Pre-Existing Condition Protections?
WESTBROOK, Maine, Sept. 6 -- The Maine Democratic Party issued the following news release: Today, a federal judge in Texas will hear the first arguments in a case backed by Governor Paul LePage that threatens the Affordable Care Act and its protection of pre-existing conditions. Where does Shawn Moody stand on the issue? Moody, after all, is no fan of the Affordable Care Act, calling it "a government bailout for the insurance companies and the hospitals", and he has repeatedly stood by the gov  more

DPW Blasts Scott Walker for Illegal State Plane Use in New Video: 'We All Pay for Scott Walker's Ambitions'
MADISON, Wisconsin, Sept. 4 -- The Wisconsin Democratic Party issued the following news: Following a scathing report from One Wisconsin Now that Scott Walker used his taxpayer-funded state plane to fly to Rhinelander to film a campaign commercial, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has released a new video entitled "We All Pay for Scott Walker's Ambitions." The spot calls out Scott Walker for using $2,017 of taxpayer money for a campaign activity. In addition, the video features new reports of   more

Duncan Tries to Play Both Sides on Criminal Justice Reform
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 4 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: Last week, Republican attorney general candidate Wes Duncan and the rest of the GOP ticket stood in front of a Republican women's club and chastised Democratic candidate Sen. Aaron Ford for leading on criminal justice reform while in the state legislature, with Duncan saying that he wanted to increase sentences for those who may already be incarcerated for a lengthy term. Duncan stood by in agreement  more

Florida Democratic Party Issues Statement on Adding King to Democratic Ticket
TALLAHASSEE, Florida, Sept. 7 -- The Florida Democratic Party issued the following statement by Chair Terrie Rizzo on Andrew Gillum's decision to select Chris King as his running mate: "It's a privilege and honor to welcome Chris King to the Democratic ticket. Together, Mayor Gillum and Chris King represent the future our state: energetic, innovative, and ready to fight for Florida's working families. Chris King will bring new and dynamic leadership to Florida, and his innovative policy ideas a  more

Florida Democrats Kick-Off Campaign With Weekend of Action
TALLAHASSEE, Florida, Sept. 7 -- The Florida Democratic Party issued the following news: In another sign of engagement and momentum on the ground, this weekend Florida Democrats will kick-off their general election campaign with over 127 events happening in every corner of Florida. Thousands of volunteers will be knocking on doors and phone-banking in support of their Winning Ticket. "From Hendry to Madison, to Escambia and Palm Beach, in every area of Florida we are seeing engagement at an al  more

Florida Democrats Train Activists at African American Summit in Broward County
TALLAHASSEE, Florida, Sept. 4 -- The Florida Democratic Party issued the following news: In another sign of momentum and energy on the ground, the Florida Democratic Party's African American Voter Summit was sold-out, with over 75 people signing-up for activist training on Saturday of the holiday weekend. This is the second summit to focus on turning out African American voters across Florida. "The energy is unmistakable, and it can be seen in the number of first time volunteers we have steppi  more

GOP and Brat Use Trump's Dirty Playbook in False Attack on Spanberger
RICHMOND, Virginia, Sept. 6 -- The Virginia Democratic Party issued the following news release: Dave Brat who has been Donald Trump's wingman from Day One, has not only mirrored his policies in Congress, but has now taken another page out of his playbook as he deploys appalling political smear tactics on the campaign trail. In yet another sad, desperate, and underhanded attempt by Congressman Brat's allies to distract from the fact that he has failed Virginia's 7th District, a Republican Super  more

Gubernatorial Candidate Pritzker, Rep. Stratton Celebrate Labor Day in Peoria, Quad Cities
CHICAGO, Illinois, Sept. 4 -- J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat running for Illinois Governor, issued the following campaign news release: Yesterday, JB Pritzker and Juliana celebrated Labor Day with Peoria and Quad City Democrats before heading back to an event in Chicago. JB and Juliana started the day marching in the Peoria Labor Day Parade with Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza, AG Candidate and State Sen. Kwame Raoul, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, and Peoria County Democratic Party Chair Billy Halstead  more

Heller Has Repeatedly Refused to Oppose the GOP Lawsuit Targeting Pre-Existing Conditions Protections
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 5 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: As oral arguments start today in the federal lawsuit that would strip protections for hundreds of thousands of Nevadans living with a pre-existing medical condition, voters are being reminded of Sen. Dean Heller's craven silence on this lawsuit. Heller has refused multiple opportunities to denounce the Trump Administration's decision to support a legal challenge arguing the Affordable Care Act's prote  more

IDP Sends Chinese Flag Care Package to Rep. Braun's Campaign as a Reminder of His Reliance on Chinese Labor
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Sept. 4 -- The Indiana Democratic Party issued the following news release: The Indiana Democratic Party sent a box of Chinese flags to Rep. Braun's campaign headquarters today as a reminder that despite receiving tax breaks from Hoosiers because he said he'd create jobs here in Indiana, his company makes their auto parts in China, while Indiana factories making the same parts shut down. Indiana Democrats today sent the box filled with Chinese flags to Rep. Braun's campai  more

Jon Ralston: If Health Care Defines #NVSEN, 'Dean Heller Is in Big, Big Trouble'
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 4 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: With health care continuing to be the number one issue for Nevada voters, Sen. Dean Heller may be in for a rude awakening. The Nevada Independent editor Jon Ralston appeared on MSNBC over Labor Day weekend to discuss the state of the race - and said that if health care remains the top issue, "Dean Heller is in big, big trouble." Watch here: KEY POINTS: 1. Ralston: "I don  more

Labor Day Reminder: Leah Vukmir Sold Out Wisconsin Working Families
MADISON, Wisconsin, Sept. 3 -- The Wisconsin Democratic Party issued the following news: This Labor Day, there's a clear choice in Wisconsin's U.S. Senate race, when it comes to who will stand up to powerful special interests and put Wisconsin first: Tammy Baldwin is standing up for Wisconsin working families and fighting to protect and expand Buy American requirements; Republican Senate candidate Leah Vukmir backs plans to gut protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions, she say  more

Laxalt Sees Kavanaugh as Chance to Overturn Roe V. Wade
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 4 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: As Judge Brett Kavanaugh faces a Senate panel today for his confirmation hearing to be the next Supreme Court justice, it's worth remembering that Adam Laxalt "enthusiastically support[s]" Kavanaugh and has urged the Senate to "expeditiously confirm" the anti-choice jurist. With Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, Laxalt's dream of overturning Roe v. Wade and taking away women's constitutional right to sa  more

Leah Vukmir Backs Lawsuit to Gut Pre-Existing Condition Protections
MADISON, Wisconsin, Sept. 4 -- The Wisconsin Democratic Party issued the following news: Tomorrow, oral arguments begin in the latest legal challenge to invalidate the Affordable Care Act's protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions -- and Republican Senate candidate Leah Vukmir says that effort to gut protections for the 2.4 million Wisconsinites and 133 million Americans who have pre-existing conditions is a "necessary step." If Vukmir gets her way, federal protections that b  more

Maine Dems: Despite LePage's Outrageous Move on Medicaid Expansion, Moody Sticks With Him
WESTBROOK, Maine, Sept. 5 -- The Maine Democratic Party issued the following news release: Republican candidate for governor Shawn Moody continues to show just how far he's willing to go in order to stick with Governor Paul LePage and his hardline, ideologically-driven position of Medicaid expansion. After LePage yesterday asked the federal government to deny the request his Administration submitted to expand Medicaid to more than 70,000 Mainers, Moody said he was okay with it. Moody's campaig  more

MSU Trustee Candidates Kelly Tebay and Brianna Scott Call on Bill Schuette to Oppose New DeVos Proposal That Undermines On-Campus Sexual Assault Investigations
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 4 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release: Today, Democratic Nominees for Michigan State University Trustee Kelly Tebay and Brianna Scott are calling on Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette to publicly oppose the new proposals from U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos that would drastically undermine how universities handle sexual assault investigations. As reported by the New York Times, "Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is preparing ne  more

National Republican Senatorial Committee: Phil Welcomes Back Unhinged Left
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 -- The National Republican Senatorial Committee issued the following news release: Actions speak louder than words, and that's certainly the case when it comes to Phil Bredesen. Despite claiming he wants to end "partisan squabbling," Bredesen is set to attend a Memphis rally headlined by Cory Booker, who'll be fresh off his ridiculous week-long antics during the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Bredesen has yet to condemn his fellow Dem  more

Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb Calls Out Sen. Deb Fischer for Playing 'Hide-the-Ball' With Her Tax Returns
LINCOLN, Nebraska, Sept. 7 -- The Nebraska Democratic Party issued the following news release: Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb said Friday that Republican U.S. Sen. Deb Fischer needs to come clean with voters on how she's amassed millions of dollars in personal wealth since taking office. Kleeb joined Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate Jane Raybould in calling on Fischer to make public her tax returns so Nebraska voters can see how her personal net worth mushroomed from $300,000 whe  more

Nevada Democratic Party Issues Statement on Sexist Photoshopping of Rosen Eyebrows
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 7 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following statement by spokesperson Sarah Abel after Sen. Dean Heller's campaign was exposed for running digital ads featuring photoshopped images of Rep. Jacky Rosen's eyebrows: "This disrespectful and sexist attack on Jacky Rosen is a new low for Senator Heller's desperate re-election campaign. "Senator Heller owes all Nevada women an explanation for why he thinks photoshopping a woman's eyebrows is an acceptable way to   more

Nevadans' Health Care is on the Chopping Block -- But Laxalt Refuses to Defend It
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 5 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: Oral arguments in Texas v. Azar begin today, and on trial are protections for the more than 400,000 Nevadans with pre-existing conditions as well as Gov. Brian Sandoval's Medicaid expansion, which covers over 250,000 additional Nevadans. Even though Republican attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt has said he wouldn't "roll back" Sandoval's Medicaid expansion if elected, he refuses   more

One Year After Trump's Decision to End DACA, Heller Has Repeatedly Opposed Bipartisan Solutions
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 5 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: One year ago today, President Trump announced his plans to terminate President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Since then, Trump ally and Republican Sen. Dean Heller has repeatedly failed to work across the aisle on finding a bipartisan solution for the thousands of Dreamers who call Nevada home. For the past year, Heller has declined to support the bipartisan Dream Act  more

One Year Ago: Republican Megadonor Announces Hawley's Senate Bid... Before Hawley Tells Missourians
COLUMBIA, Missouri, Sept. 4 -- The Democratic Party of Missouri issued the following news release: This time last year, Republican megadonor Sam Fox sent a letter to other millionaires and billionaires saying that he was pleased to report that Josh Hawley would run for Senate. The problem? Hawley still hadn't come clean to Missourians about breaking his promise not to climb the political ladder. Apparently Fox wasn't the only person Hawley told about his Senate bid before breaking the news to   more

One-Two Punch: Politico & NBC Say MI Governor's Race Shifting Toward Democrats, RGA Gets Shaky on Schuette
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 5 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release: In a one-two punch of bad news for Bill Schuette, Politico and NBC are forecasting that Michigan's race for governor is shifting in favor of Democrats, while the Detroit Free Press is reporting that the "Republican Governor's Association is shifting $1.5 million in advertising money away from key voting markets." In particular, Politico now rates Michigan's race for governor as "Lean Democratic," and  more

Rep. Braun Wants Curtis Hill to Resign, Yet Still Supports His Politically Motivated Lawsuit
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Sept. 7 -- The Indiana Democratic Party issued the following news release: Rep. Braun has yet to explain how why he supports Attorney General Curtis Hill's politically-motivated lawsuit aimed at stripping protections from the 1.1 million Hoosiers under the age of 65 with a pre-existing condition while still believing that AG Hill must resign. Hearings before a federal judge in Texas began this week for the lawsuit brought by Attorney General Curtis Hill and nearly twenty  more

Rep. Braun's Laughable Three-Stop 'Tour' a Confirmation of His Lazy Campaign
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Sept. 4 -- The Indiana Democratic Party issued the following news release: Rep. Braun announced a tour "across the state" this week that only consists of three public events over three days, continuing his lackadaisical campaign schedule that demonstrates how unconcerned he is about meeting with the majority of Hoosier voters. Rep. Braun's "tour" this week looks less like an actual statewide tour and more like what would be a light week of campaigning for a normal Senate  more

Rep. Braun's Support for Ending Protections for Hoosiers With Pre-existing Conditions Front and Center as DOJ Lawsuit Begins Today
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Sept. 5 -- The Indiana Democratic Party issued the following news release: Rep. Braun's support for gutting protections from the 1.1 million Hoosiers under the age of 65 with a pre-existing condition is on full display today, as hearings begin for the lawsuit he supports that would destroy those protections. Hearings before a federal judge in Texas start today for the lawsuit brought by the Department of Justice, the Indiana Attorney General and nearly 20 other Republica  more

Ron DeSantis Has Always Been Against Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions
TALLAHASSEE, Florida, Sept. 5 -- The Florida Democratic Party issued the following news: Today, a federal judge in Texas will hear the opening arguments in a lawsuit brought by Pam Bondi and the State of Florida that would gut pre-existing conditions and destroy the Affordable Care Act. As a founding member of the far right Freedom Caucus, DeSantis has long been one of the leading opponents of protections for pre-existing conditions. "Ron DeSantis has spent his entire career in Congress workin  more

Schuette 'Goes to Bat for ExxonMobil' But Refuses to Protect People With Pre-Existing Health Conditions
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 4 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release: A new report from Bridge Magazine today is detailing how Attorney General Bill Schuette "goes to bat for ExxonMobil," and "recently signed onto a court filing that questions the scientific consensus about the causes of climate change." In contrast, Schuette has refused to join seventeen other state AG's who are standing up to the Trump Administration's ongoing attempt to rip healthcare away from peop  more

Scott Perry Does Not Stand With Workers
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, Sept. 5 -- The Pennsylvania Democratic Party issued the following news: Today, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party issued the following statement on Scott Perry and Donald Trump's attack on the paychecks of federal workers. Last week, the Trump Administration told Congress it plans to cancel a planned wage increase for federal workers. The announcement concluded a series of actions and votes by Scott Perry and Washington Republicans that led to this cancellation. In Fe  more

Scott Wagner Must Immediately Fire Transphobic Campaign Consultant Ray Zaborney And Campaign Manager Jason High
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, Sept. 7 -- The Pennsylvania Democratic Party issued the following news: Today, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party is calling on Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner to immediately fire campaign consultant Ray Zaborney following a Billy Penn report that he shared a transphobic meme in a group text with top Wagner campaign officials. He must also fire campaign manager Jason High, who was included in the group text and failed to denounce Zaborney's shameful acti  more

Sen. Harris To Keynote Ohio Democratic Party State Dinner
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 6 -- The Ohio Democratic Party issued the following news: The Ohio Democratic Party is welcoming Democratic U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California to Columbus on Sunday, Oct. 7, to keynote its State Dinner at 5 p.m. in the Battelle Grand Ballroom at the Columbus Convention Center, 400 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43215. "Hard-working Ohioans deserve access to affordable health care, good-paying jobs and a fair shake, and that's why I'm excited to join Ohio Democrats at their   more

Stefanowski: 'I'm Against the Minimum Wage'
HARTFORD, Connecticut, Sept. 4 -- The Connecticut Democratic Party issued the following news release: Over Labor Day weekend, Bob Stefanowski made it clear he doesn't respect the work people do enough to support fair compensation. He said: "I'm against the minimum wage." While Democrats are fighting to make sure that working families earn decent paychecks, Bob Stefanowski is against having a minimum wage altogether. He went on to say: "I think it should be supply and demand. I'm a free-marke  more

Virginia Democratic Party Issue Statement on Taylor Forgery Scandal Hearing
RICHMOND, Virginia, Sept. 5 -- The Virginia Democratic Party issued the following statement by Communications Director Jake Rubenstein in response to a Circuit Court ruling that found 'out and out fraud' in the Scott Taylor Petition Forgery episode and that disallowed third party candidate Taylor and his team from being on the Virginia 2nd congressional district ballot: "Today, Judge Gregory Rupe in Richmond Circuit Court found 'forgery...perjury and out and out fraud.' Today's decision is win   more

Walker's Corrections Debacle Costing Taxpayers $20.6 MILLION and Counting
MADISON, Wisconsin, Sept. 7 -- The Wisconsin Democratic Party issued the following news: Today, a new report from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel shows that taxpayers have already shelled out $20.6 million to cover the legal bills surrounding Scott Walker's mismanagement of the state's juvenile prison complex. From the report: Lawsuits over the problems at Wisconsin's juvenile prison complex have cost the state $20.6 million so far, and those costs will continue to rise-- possibly by large sum  more

What are the Lawsuits Schuette Signed Onto Instead of Protecting Healthcare for Michiganders?
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 7 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release: The Schuette campaign's latest bad excuse for the Attorney General's refusal to join a major lawsuit trying to protect healthcare for people with pre-existing health conditions is "no AG signs on to everyone," according to MIRS News. So what are some of the lawsuits that Bill Schuette signed onto instead of protecting healthcare for Michiganders? * In September, Bridge Magazine reported that Schuett  more

What They're Saying: Stefanowski 'Missing'
HARTFORD, Connecticut, Sept. 6 -- The Connecticut Democratic Party issued the following news release: Bob Stefanowski refused to attend last night's first gubernatorial debate. With just under nine weeks until Election Day-why won't he answer basic questions? Maybe because he knows his phony tax experiment would raise property taxes, gut education, and undercut job growth. As a result, he went missing: "Republican Bob Stefanowski wasn't quite ready to fit Democratic nominee Ned Lamont and pet  more

Will Laxalt Ask Pence to Stop Trump's Indefinite Family Detention?
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 7 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: Today, when Vice President Mike Pence attends a fundraiser for Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt in Nevada, Laxalt will have the chance to personally demand that the Trump administration cancel plans to detain immigrant families indefinitely. Yesterday, the Trump administration announced plans to scrap decades-old precedent and move to detain immigrant families in "jail-like settings" ind  more

Wisconsin Democratic Party Issues Statement on Schimel Lawsuit Oral Arguments
MADISON, Wisconsin, Sept. 5 -- The Wisconsin Democratic Party issued the following statement by Chair Martha Laning on the oral arguments in Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel's lawsuit to strike down the Affordable Care Act's protections for the 2.4 million Wisconsinites who have pre-existing conditions: "Today is a reminder that health care is on the ballot and the stakes couldn't be higher for Wisconsin working families this November: U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir, Gov. Scott Walker  more

With Coverage Under Attack, Republican Ticket Is Against Preserving Care for Those With Pre-Existing Conditions
HARTFORD, Connecticut, Sept. 5 -- The Connecticut Democratic Party issued the following news release: Today, arguments begin in Texas in a lawsuit that could threaten coverage for pre-existing conditions. While Connecticut has joined the lawsuit to protect our care and ensure coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, the Republican gubernatorial ticket wants to end it. While the Connecticut legislature passed a bill to mandate that pre-existing conditions would be covered even if the Af  more

With Friends Like These...Republicans Slam Walker's Corrections Record Again
MADISON, Wisconsin, Sept. 6 -- The Wisconsin Democratic Party issued the following news: Scott Walker's criminal justice record is under fire yet again. And just like before, it's Republicans doing the criticizing. Yesterday, Senate Majority leader Scott Fitzgerald said he was "very disappointed" with Walker's handling of the Lincoln Hills debacle, calling it "a mess." Walker has been widely criticized for ignoring the problems at the juvenile facility. Several weeks ago, Assembly Leader Robin  more

With Pence Visit, Trump Rewards Heller, Laxalt for Their Silence and Complacency
CARSON CITY, Nevada, Sept. 7 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release: As Vice President Mike Pence comes to town today, Nevadans are witnessing first-hand as rubber stamps Sen. Dean Heller and Attorney General Adam Laxalt are rewarded for doing absolutely nothing to hold the Trump administration accountable for selling Nevada's working families out time and again. But that's not all. Also coming on this trip is Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who rece  more

WZZM: 'Snyder Not Endorsing Schuette for Governor'
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 6 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release: The GOP civil war is delivering another blow to Bill Schuette's struggling campaign, as WZZM is reporting that he can't even secure an endorsement from Michigan's sitting Republican governor: "Two months before the November election, and Governor Rick Snyder says he is not endorsing any of the candidates to replace him. Not even fellow republican Bill Schuette." The WZZM report adds that "In recent   more

Zody to Lawson: Replace Voting Machines With Systems That Generate Paper Trail
INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Sept. 7 -- The Indiana Democratic Party issued the following news release: On Friday, Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody called on Secretary of State Connie Lawson to replace voting systems that do not generate a paper trial before the 2018 election. In a press conference, Zody highlighted how the ability to audit results strengthens Hoosiers' confidence in election outcomes. "This isn't a Republican or Democrat thing, this is about securing the vote and the int  more