Saturday - June 1, 2024
U.S. Congressional Tipoffs Involving Texas Newsletter for Sunday October 29, 2023 ( 64 items )  

America's Fiscal Health Check: Health Care Task Force Tackles Health Care Spending
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Washington, D.C. - Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee and Chairman of the House Budget Committee Health Care Task Force, drafted an op-ed highlighting the inaugural Health Care Task Force roundtable today. America's Fiscal Health Check: Health Care Task Force Tackles Health Care Spending The Washington Times October 26, 2023 Read full op-ed here.   more

Babin Stands With Israel
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 26, 2023: * * * U.S. Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement after voting for a House resolution supporting Israel in its just war against Hamas. "Israel is the only democracy in a sea of dictatorships in the Middle East," said Babin. "Yesterday, I was proud to join so many GOP colleagues in reaffirming our support for Israel. House Republicans will continue to stand with our great   more

Babin Supports Mike Johnson for House Speaker
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * U.S. Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement following his vote for Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) for Speaker of the House. "Democracy can certainly be messy, but I never doubted for a second that we would come together as a conference to elect a true conservative as Speaker. Today, I was incredibly proud to have supported my good friend and Louisiana neighbor, Co  more

Blackburn, Tim Scott, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Defund Colleges and Universities That Promote Antisemitism
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined Senators Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Katie Britt (R-Ala.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), and James Lankford (R-Okla.) in introducing the Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act, which would rescind federal education funding for colleges and universities that peddle antisemitism or authorize, fund or fa  more

Burgess Congratulates House Speaker Johnson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Washington, D.C. - Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the House Rules Committee and Chairman for the House Budget Committee Health Care Task Force, released the following statement congratulating U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) on being elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. "Now, more than ever, House Republicans need to be united. I am confident that Mi  more

Burgess Votes in Support of Israel
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, issued the following news release: Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists. "It is devastating to watch what is happening to our ally Israel," "I am grateful that the first action taken by Speaker Johnson was to ensure the world knows our support of Israel and strong stance against Hamas and the horrifying actions these terrorists have taken. Hamas and Hezbollah only see one  more

Chairman Arrington Announces Decision Not To Run For Speaker At This Time
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, issued the following news release: House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) issued the following statement regarding his decision not to enter the race for Speaker of the House: "After careful consideration and much prayer, I have decided not to run for Speaker at this time. There are several capable candidates who have stepped forward to run, and I plan to support whomever our Conference elects on Tuesday. From my perspecti  more

Chairman Arrington Statement on House of Representatives Electing Rep. Mike Johnson to Serve as Speaker of the House
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON D.C. - Today, Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) issued the following statement on the House of Representatives electing Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-04) to serve as Speaker of the House. "Mike Johnson is my classmate and closest of friends, and I can say from experience and without reservation that he is a man of integrity, a principled conservative, and a courageous leader. He is the right person at   more

Chairman Jodey Arrington Speech Nominating Mike Johnson As Speaker Designate
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON D.C. - Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) delivered the following speech to his Republican colleagues nominating Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-04) as the Speaker Designate: "Mike and I got here together in the 115th Congress. He is one of my best friends and I have the utmost respect for him. I can tell you from experience and without reservation, Mike is one of the godliest   more

Congressman Castro Announces Planning Grant for UTSA to Expand Cybersecurity and Secure Manufacturing in San Antonio
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: As part of the President's Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Commerce leverages Tech Hubs Program to spur regional innovation and job creation. WASHINGTON -- Today, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) and the U.S. Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced that Secure Manufacturing in South Texas Strategy Development Consortium in San Antonio, Texas, was aw  more

Congressman Castro Demands Answers After USPS Ends Cluster Box Maintenance, Threatens to Halt Mail Delivery for Thousands of San Antonio Residents
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) released a letter he sent to the San Antonio headquarters of the United States Postal Service (USPS) demanding answers and accountability after USPS suddenly ended a longstanding policy of maintaining the cluster boxes that San Antonio neighborhoods rely on for safe and secure mail delivery. "For years, my constituents have been able to count on USPS to  more

Congressman Castro Pushes for Answers from Brooke Army Medical Center After Alarming Express-News Report on Contaminated Surgical Equipment
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Read his letter WASHINGTON - Today, after an alarming report from the San Antonio Express-News about ongoing issues related to contaminated surgical equipment at one of San Antonio's two Level I Trauma Centers, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) sent a letter asking Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) leaders for a detailed explanation of how widespread equipment sterilization failures were allowed to occur a  more

Congressman Ellzey Statement on Speaker Johnson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Jake Ellzey, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * Today, I proudly supported my colleague, Mike Johnson, to become the 56th Speaker of the House. Mike is a proven conservative with an unwavering commitment to fiscal responsibility, national security and American families. Our nation and the world are facing significant challenges. I look forward to working with Speaker Johnson to advance strong conservative policies, secure our southern b  more

Congressman Moran Congratulates 56th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Nathaniel Moran, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * Today, Congressman Nathaniel Moran (TX-01) released the following statement congratulating the 56th Speak of the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04): "Mike Johnson is one of the finest men I have known, inside or outside of politics. He is a true Constitutional conservative and a Christian who is a smart, steady, and tough leader. Mike is unwavering in his c  more

Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz Urges Mexico to Honor 1944 Water Treaty With the United States in Letter to Mexican Officials
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Monica de la Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: In a letter Monday to Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs and the Mexican Ambassador to the United States, Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) implored Mexico to honor its 1944 water treaty with the United States. "As good neighbors, we must help each other in times of need," De La Cruz wrote. "Your immediate action on water deliveries from your reserves would be greatly appreciated by your neighbor  more

Cornyn Discusses Biden's Border Funding Request, Previews Border Trip
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following remarks on Oct. 24, 2023: * * * Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) announced he and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) will lead a group of Senate Republicans on a visit to the Rio Grande Valley this week and discussed the border-related provisions in President Biden's emergency supplemental funding request. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn's remarks are below, and video can be found here ( "Last  more

Cornyn, Padilla Introduce Bill to Help Make U.S. Electric Grid More Resilient
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 (TNSres) -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following news on Oct. 24, 2023: U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Alex Padilla (D-CA) today introduced the Grid Resilience Innovation and Development (GRID) Act, which would direct the U.S. Department of Energy to research how quantum applications and computing can make the U.S. electric grid more resilient, secure, and efficient: "The electric grid in Texas and other regions across the nation must be able to manage the   more

Crapo and Colleagues Condemn Biden Administration's Decision to Cede U.S. Digital Leadership to China
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, issued the following news release: Washington, D.C.--Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Finance Committee members Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Steve Daines (R-Montana), Todd Young (R-Indiana), John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Trade Representative's (USTR)   more

Crockett Announces $176,424,054 To Lower Energy Bills for Working- and Middle-Class Texans
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (TX-30) announced $3.7 billion in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds to help lower heating costs for American families this winter. $176,424,054 has been allocated for households in Texas, which can be distributed to low-income households to lower heating costs in winter months or cooling costs in summer months depending on need. Additionally, the Depar  more

Crockett to Vote No on Johnson for Speaker
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (TX-30) released the following statement on her intention to vote against Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) for Speaker of the House. "House Republicans continue to nominate candidates for Speaker of the House that fail to represent the values and ideals of the vast majority of the American people. Their latest candidate for Speaker, Congressman Mike Johnson, is an anti-choic  more

Durbin, Warren, Lawmakeers Call on Corizon Health, INC. to Answer for Use of 'Texas Two-Step,' Evasion of Liability By Abusing Bankruptcy System
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Sen. Richard J. Durbin, D-Illinois, issued the following news release: U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), along with U.S. Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Peter Welch (D-VT), and Cory Booker (D-NJ), today sent a letter to Corizon Health, Inc.-affiliated companies Tehum Care Services, Inc. and Ye  more

Fort Worth Star Telegram: Sen. Cruz's Effort to Curb Social Media Use a "Smart Bill Addressing a Growing Problem for Kids"
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - In case you missed it, Nicole Russell of the Fort Worth Star Telegram is out with a new column in support of U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) recently introduced legislation to curb social media use in elementary and secondary schools. In the editorial, Russell called Sen. Cruz's Eyes on the Board Act a "smart bill" and a "good inroad into a growing problem that  more

Granger on Speaker Mike Johnson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * Today, House Appropriations Chairwoman Kay Granger released the following statement on Rep. Mike Johnson's election to serve as the 56th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. "Mike Johnson is a tried-and-true conservative. He has a proven record of unifying Members and fighting for Republican priorities. I am confident he will continue our success in the Majority, fulfill our commi  more

House Appropriations Committee Chair Granger on Speaker Mike Johnson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * House Appropriations Chairwoman Kay Granger released the following statement on Rep. Mike Johnson's election to serve as the 56th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. "Mike Johnson is a tried-and-true conservative. He has a proven record of unifying Members and fighting for Republican priorities. I am confident he will continue ou  more

House Approves H.R. 4394, Energy & Water Development & Related Agencies Appropriations Act
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, issued the following news release: The House of Representatives met to consider H.R. 4394, The Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. The measure was approved by the House with a vote of 210 to 199. The Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies bill provides $56.958 billion in discretionary spending, which is $2.963 billion below the FY24 President's Budget  more

House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington: Help Us Less, Mr. President
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, chairman of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) issued the following statement after the White House announced a $50 billion inflation-causing spending package: "President Biden's reckless spending on the Democrats' vast and radical expansion of the federal government has weakened our economy, racked up a record-high federal debt, and igni  more

House Budget Committee Chairman Arrington: New Data, Same Crisis - PCEPI Report Indicates Inflation Rages On
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 (TNSres) -- Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, chairman of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement: * * * Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) released the following statement in response to the Bureau of Economic Analysis' (BEA) September report on personal income, including the personal consumption expenditures price index (PCEPI). According to today's report, the Fed's preferred measure of inflation, PCEPI, grew at a rate of 3.4 pe  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair McCaul Celebrates Australian Prime Minister Albanese Visit to Washington
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on Oct. 26, 2023: * * * House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) issued the following statement welcoming Australian Prime Minister Albanese to Washington, D.C. "The U.S.-Australia alliance, both bilaterally and within AUKUS is critical to pushing back against the increasingly aggressive Chinese Communist Party. "Recent events like the  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair McCaul on Need for Decisive Action to Deter Iran Proxy Attacks
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on Oct. 26, 2023: * * * House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) issued the following statement in response to the rise in Iranian-backed proxy attacks, supported by the IRGC and the Iranian regime, on U.S. forces and personnel. "Since October 17, Iranian-sponsored proxies have carried out at least 16 attacks against U.S. servicemembers   more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair McCaul Speaks on House Floor in Support of Bipartisan Israel Legislation Condemning Hamas
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release: House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul spoke on the House floor in support of his resolution, H.Res 771, Resolution Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists, which overwhelmingly passed the House and condemns Hamas' unprovoked, heinous attacks against the state of Israel and t  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman McCaul on ABC 'This Week'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release: House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul joined Jonathan Karl on ABC News' "This Week" to discuss Hamas' unprovoked war against Israel and the impact of the House Speaker election on support to Israel and U.S. national security. On the risk of Hezbollah and Iran-backed proxies escalating: "Hamas and Hezbollah only see one thing, and that's  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Leaders McCaul, Meeks, Members Bera, Kim Condemn Chinese Coast Guard Unlawful Actions in South China Sea
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following news release: House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Ranking Member Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY), along with Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific Chairwoman Young Kim (R-CA) and Ranking Member Ami Bera (D-CA) issued the following statement to condemn the Chinese Coast Guard's unlawful actions in the South China Sea. "We unequivocally support the Philippi  more

House Foreign Affairs Committee Members McCaul, Kim Condemn CCP Foreign Minister Wang Yi Trip to Washington
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Michael T. McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific Chairwoman Young Kim (R-CA) issued the following statement ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's meeting with China's Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, as the Chinese Communist Party continues to wrongfully detain American citizens a  more

House Oversight Subcommittee on Economic Growth Chair Fallon: Apprenticeships Help Businesses Find Qualified Job Seekers, Develop Talent, Move Economy Forward
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs, issued the following news release on Oct. 25, 2023: Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs Chairman Pat Fallon (R-Texas.) opened today's subcommittee hearing titled "The Power of Apprenticeships: Faster, Better Paths to Prosperous Jobs and Less Waste in Higher Education" by noting that even whi  more

House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations Chair Sessions Issues Statement at IRS Oversight Hearing
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce, issued the following news release on Oct. 24, 2023: Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas.) today opened a joint subcommittee hearing titled "Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service" by discussing the Committee's priority to conduct oversight and ensure the IRS does not   more

Over 100 Lawmakers Call for CHIPS Permitting Reform in Final Defense Bill
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Senator Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), and over 100 other lawmakers are calling on Congressional leaders to include Sen. Cruz and Kelly's amendment to streamline the CHIPS permitting reform process in this year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The amendment, which passed the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support in Ju  more

Pfluger Honors Jim Henry on the House Floor
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 -- Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Oct. 27, 2023: Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) honored Permian Basin oilman and philanthropist Jim Henry in a speech on the House Floor. Watch his remarks here (, or read a full transcript below: "Mr. Speaker I rise today to honor the life and the legacy of Mr. Jim Henry, whose legacy is one of true innovation and foresight. His pioneering work in the Permian Basin oil fields and  more

Pfluger Votes to Elect Speaker of the House Mike Johnson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement following the election of Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) to Speaker of the House of Representatives. Rep. August Pfluger: "Mike Johnson is a Constitutional lawyer and one of the strongest conservatives in Congress who has devoted his life and career to fighting for fundamental freedoms and traditional values --the Right to Life, Seco  more

Rep. Chip Roy Endorses Byron Donalds for Speaker of the House
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 -- Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, DC -- On Monday, Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) issued the following statement: Since being elected to represent Texans in Washington, I have been unequivocal that we need to fundamentally change this town. It's why the first thing I did upon being elected to Congress in 2018 was nominate Jim Jordan for Minority Leader. While I still believe Jim would have been a strong choice for Speaker, Republican  more

Rep. Crockett Applauds New Tech Hub Program in North Texas Established Through the CHIPS And Science Act
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON -- Today, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (TX-30) commended the Biden-Harris Administration for announcing that the Department of Commerce designated North Texas as one of 31 Tech Hubs throughout the United States. Established through the CHIPS and Science Act, the new Tech Hubs program aims to identify and invest in regions with high potential for specific burgeoning technology industry sectors.  more

Rep. Cuellar Announces Tech Hubs Strategy Development Grant to Strengthen Cybersecurity and Secure Manufacturing in San Antonio
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Oct. 23, 2023: Today, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, Ph.D. (TX-28) announced a Tech Hubs Strategy Development Grant to strengthen cybersecurity and secure manufacturing in San Antonio. The funding will be awarded to the Secure Manufacturing in South Texas Strategy Development Consortium, led by the University of Texas at San Antonio's (UTSA) Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute. The award will   more

Rep. Cuellar Hosts Webinar on Funding Opportunities for Street Infrastructure
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, issued the following news release on Oct. 25, 2023: Today, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, Ph.D. (TX-28) hosted a webinar on funding opportunities for street infrastructure. Representatives from the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) discussed a wide range of current and future funding opportunities for eligible entities. These opportunities were made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure L  more

Rep. Graves, Sen. Cruz Lead Coalition Calling on Biden Admin to Allow LNG By Rail
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Rep. Sam Graves, R-Missouri, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued the following news release: U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) and U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas) led a bicameral coalition of federal lawmakers calling on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to reverse its suspension of rules allowing liquefied natural gas (LN  more

Rep. Jackson Statement on Speaker Mike Johnson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * Today, Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) released the following statement on Speaker Mike Johnson. Jackson said: "I proudly voted today for Mike Johnson and a huge congratulations to him on being elected Speaker of the House! He is a principled conservative who will unify the conference. He will work hard to secure the border, investigate the corrupt Biden administration, stop the weapon  more

Rep. Roy issues statement upon Mike Johnson's election as Speaker of the House
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, DC -- On Wednesday, Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) issued the following statement: I am proud to congratulate my friend, Mike Johnson, on becoming the 56th Speaker of the House of Representatives. A fellow conservative and a man of deep Christian faith, Mike believes in this country, our Constitution, American values, and the American way of life -- and he isn't afraid to fight for them. Over the p  more

Rep. Roy leads effort to protect San Antonio's water supply
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, DC -- On Monday, Representative Chip Roy (R-TX-21) called on the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to withdraw a proposed rule that could threaten the San Antonio region's access to water. The Congressman wrote,"[I have] serious concerns regarding a recent US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposal to list two species of catfish in the San Antonio region as 'endangered.' This proposal is based   more

Rep. Tony Gonzales Announces Over $13 Million for Border Security in TX-23
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, issued the following news release on Oct. 25, 2023: Today, Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) announced over $13 million in federal funding for border security through Operation Stonegarden. Operation Stonegarden is a federal grant program that provides funding to local and state law enforcement agencies to partner with Border Patrol against human and drug smuggling. Congressman Gonzales has been a fierce advocate for increased Operation Stoneg  more

Sen. Cornyn Blasts Biden Admin for Migrant Child Abuse Scandal
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following news: In the Senate Judiciary Committee, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) blasted the Biden administration for failing to keep track of thousands of migrant children placed with sponsors, many of whom may be subjected to labor trafficking. Excerpts are below. "What we're seeing is what happens when the Biden administration is outsourcing its immigration policy to criminal cartels who are getting richer by the minute, smuggli  more

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement About Israeli Ground Offensive
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement today on announcement of the Israeli ground offensive: "The Israeli government has the right and indeed the obligation to ensure the security of its citizens. For decades, our Israeli allies have sought to counter Hamas's terrorism while the international community--including, and fa  more

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement On Senate Vote to Confirm Mike Whitaker As FAA Administrator
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, issued the following statement on Oct. 24, 2023: * * * U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released the following statement after the Senate voted to confirm the nomination of Mike Whitaker to serve as administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). "After 18 months without a Senate-confirmed FAA administrator, I am pleased that M  more

Sen. Cruz, Colleagues Introduce Bill to use Funds Seized from Corrupt Venezuelan Individuals for the Venezuelan People
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, reintroduced the Preserving Accountability for National Assets Act (PANA Act). The bill would take assets seized from individuals connected to the Chavez and Maduro regimes who are convicted of corruption and place them in a "Venezuela Restoration Fund" to be used by the State Department for building up Venezuelan de  more

Sen. Cruz, Rep. Graves Lead Coalition Calling on Biden Admin to Allow LNG By Rail
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) led a bicameral coalition of federal lawmakers calling on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to reverse its suspension of rules allowing liquefied natural gas (LNG) by rail. In a letter to PHMSA Deputy Administrator  more

Sen. Cruz, Rep. Graves Lead Coalition Calling on Biden Admin to Allow LNG By Rail
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, issued the following news release: U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) led a bicameral coalition of federal lawmakers calling on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to reverse its suspension of rules allowing liquefied natural ga  more

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Crapo, Colleagues Condemn Biden Administration Decision to Cede U.S. Digital Leadership to China
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, issued the following news release: Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Finance Committee members Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Steve Daines (R-Montana), Todd Young (R-Indiana), John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) issued the following statement in response to the U.S.   more

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Risch, Sen. Ricketts Lead Colleagues in Introducing Resolution Reaffirming Monroe Doctrine Ahead of Its 200th Anniversary
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following news release on Oct. 26, 2023: U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) today led nine Senate colleagues in introducing a resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine. In addition to Risch and Ricketts, the resolution is cosponsored by Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas)  more

Senate Judiciary Committee Sets Oct. 26 Executive Business Meeting
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- The Senate Judiciary Committee issued the following information for an executive business meeting at 10 a.m. on Oct. 26, 2023, at 216 Hart Senate Office Building: AGENDA I. Committee Organization * Subcommittees II. Nominees * Mustafa Taher Kasubhai, to be United States District Judge for the District of Oregon * John A. Kazen, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Texas * Eumi K. Lee, to be United States District Judge for the Northern Dis  more

Sens. Cornyn, Klobuchar Bill to Improve Investigations of Online Child Exploitation Passes Senate
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, issued the following news: U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) released the following statements after their Project Safe Childhood Act, which would make improvements to the investigation and prosecution of online child exploitation, passed the Senate: "No child should be exposed to vicious threats from online predators," said Sen. Cornyn. "This bill would make key strategic improvements to give law enforcement officers an  more

Sens. Cruz, Cornyn Send Letter Confronting The Biden Administration's Weaponization of the Endangered Species Act in Texas
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) sent a letter to the U.S. Department of the Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service to express their strong concerns with the agency's recently proposed rule that lists the toothless and widemouth blindcats, two underground species of blind, translucent catfish, as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA). The rule directly im  more

Sens. Cruz, Crapo, Ricketts Introduce Legislation to Halt Biden Electric Vehicles Mandate
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following news release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) along with some of their colleagues in the Senate introduced the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act to counter the Biden administration's executive overreach banning gasoline powered vehicles and establishing an electric vehicle mandate. The bill prohibits the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from fina  more

Statement by Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz on Today's Speaker Vote
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 -- Rep. Monica de la Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following statement on Oct. 25, 2023: * * * Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) issued the following statement about today's vote for a new Speaker of the House: "With a raging border crisis, a growing $32 trillion national debt, and war breaking out in the Middle East, it has never been more crucial to focus on serving the American people. We must end politics as usual in Washington and stop treating government like a tel  more

Statement from Congressman Castro on Texas House Passage of Bills Targeting Diverse Communities
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, issued the following news release: SAN ANTONIO -- Today, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) shared the following message with his constituents in response to the passage of House Bill 4, House Bill 6, and Senate Bill 4, three Republican-led bills targeting immigrants and diverse communities that advanced through the Texas House of Representatives this week: "A few weeks ago, the most powerful, influential Texas Republican group hosted the co  more

Thanks to CHIPS Act Allred Helped Pass SMU Chosen as One of 31 Tech Hubs Across America
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, issued the following news release: Washington, D.C. - Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32), today celebrated the designation of the Texoma Semiconductor Tech Hub led by Southern Methodist University in Dallas. This announcement comes as part of the Tech Hubs program established by the CHIPS Act, which Allred helped pass, to invest directly in regions with great potential to become globally competitive innovation centers. "North Texas has always be  more

Young, Commerce Committee Colleagues Want Tech Companies to Preserve Documentary History of Hamas' Atrocities
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 -- Sen. Todd Young, R-Indiana, issued the following news release: In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel, U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), along with a group of Republican members on the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, sent a letter to tech companies X, Meta, TikTok, and Google seeking information on their content moderation policies during the Israel-Hamas war and asking the companies to commit to fully pre  more

Young, Finance Committee Colleagues Condemn Biden Administration's Decision to Cede U.S. Digital Leadership to China
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 -- Sen. Todd Young, R-Indiana, issued the following news release: U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), all Republican members of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Trade Representative's (USTR) decision to end U.S. support for combatt  more